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creating 3D case preview image

Posted: 2013-10-17T00:08:24-07:00
by rajeshbrr
I am quite new to image processing and stuff. My current project requires that I create 3d previews for custom mobile cases. I came across this thread viewtopic.php?f=1&t=11726&start=45 that gives me some idea for doing this for a 3D dvd cover. Could someone tell me how should I go about doing this for a mobile case. I mean how to calculate the distort perspective values and stuff.
Thanks for hearing me out.

Re: creating 3D case preview image

Posted: 2013-10-17T14:03:17-07:00
by fmw42
If you are on Linux/Mac or Windows w/Cygwin, and if you want simple cases, then take a look at my scripts, 3Dbox and 3Dcover at the link below.

We would need to see an example of your input and output images or some example of what you want to produce to help further. Also provide what version of IM and what platform you are using.