Genealogist needs help
Posted: 2013-10-24T14:42:16-07:00
I am a genealogist with thousands of pictures that I need to annotate/label.
I have read most of the documentation and scoured the web, but I cannot figure this out.
I want to annotate each image with a text that is a combination of the DATE and the DESCRIPTION from the metadata.
The code that I am using works, to a certain degree
width=`identify -format %w $1`; montage -label "%[exif:DateTimeOriginal] %[IPTC:2:120]" -size %width -frame 5 -geometry +0+0 $1 annotated_$1
1) No matter what I do, the label always gets inserted in the images at the same font size. Sometimes it is so small that I have to zoom in to view it.
I thought that Montage was suppose to resize the font until it filled the width indicated?
2) The other limitation I want is to limit the height to %height*.1 so that the annotation area is not more that 10% of the height of the picture.
What I actually want is:
width=`identify -format %wX(%h*.10) $1`; montage -label "%[exif:DateTimeOriginal] %[IPTC:2:120]" -size %width -frame 5 -geometry +0+0 $1 annotated_$1
Thanks for your help.
I have read most of the documentation and scoured the web, but I cannot figure this out.
I want to annotate each image with a text that is a combination of the DATE and the DESCRIPTION from the metadata.
The code that I am using works, to a certain degree
width=`identify -format %w $1`; montage -label "%[exif:DateTimeOriginal] %[IPTC:2:120]" -size %width -frame 5 -geometry +0+0 $1 annotated_$1
1) No matter what I do, the label always gets inserted in the images at the same font size. Sometimes it is so small that I have to zoom in to view it.
I thought that Montage was suppose to resize the font until it filled the width indicated?
2) The other limitation I want is to limit the height to %height*.1 so that the annotation area is not more that 10% of the height of the picture.
What I actually want is:
width=`identify -format %wX(%h*.10) $1`; montage -label "%[exif:DateTimeOriginal] %[IPTC:2:120]" -size %width -frame 5 -geometry +0+0 $1 annotated_$1
Thanks for your help.