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$20 for help. Cheap broke bastard.

Posted: 2013-10-24T15:02:17-07:00
by cellurl
I am trying to make a map for a non profit.

Can anyone get me started?

It will have sizes, amounts, names.
It needs to showup like this:

Thanks for any leads!
Jim Pruett

Re: $20 for help. Cheap broke bastard.

Posted: 2013-10-24T15:05:52-07:00
by fmw42

Re: $20 for help. Cheap broke bastard.

Posted: 2013-10-25T10:40:55-07:00
by Bonzo
I do not know what code you are using but this code in php produces this example:

Code: Select all

$cmd = " -size 200x185 xc:none ". 
" -fill grey39 -draw \"rectangle 47,0 102,20\" ". 
" -fill grey39 -draw \"rectangle 157,0 176,185\" ". 
" -fill red -draw \"rectangle 0,20 200,75\" ". 
" -fill silver -draw \"rectangle 10,36 167,145\" ". 
" -fill blue -draw \"rectangle 130,0 150,185\" ". 
" -fill brown -draw \"rectangle 72,110 200,137\" ". 
" -fill grey26 -draw \"rectangle 0,99 56,185\" ". 
" -fill grey39 -draw \"rectangle 81,102 120,185\" ". 
" -fill green -draw \"rectangle 30,164 200,177\" "; 

exec("convert $cmd rectangle.gif"); ?>  

To draw rectangles with rounded corners replace the -draw "rectangle 81,102 120,185" with -draw "roundRectangle 50,50 167,110 10,10"

You can put the text wherever you want and I would use -annotate:

Code: Select all

$cmd = "$input -fill black -pointsize 40".  
" -gravity center -annotate +0+0 \"Annotate\"".  
" -fill white -annotate +2+2 \"Annotate\"";  
exec("convert $cmd annotate.jpg"); 

Re: $20 for help. Cheap broke bastard.

Posted: 2013-10-25T17:29:35-07:00
by snibgo
Windows script:

Code: Select all

convert -size 1111x452 xc:White ^
  -draw "fill rgb(255,242,0) roundRectangle 384,260 479,326 14,14" ^
  -draw "fill rgb(0,162,232) text 400,314 Tommy" ^
  -draw "fill rgb(237,28,36) roundRectangle 446,147 623,282 14,14" ^
  -draw "fill rgb(0,162,232) text 537,272 Esoen" ^
  -draw "fill rgb(0,162,232) roundRectangle 752,92 785,123 6,6" ^
  -draw "fill rgb(0,0,0) text 768,108 Bob" ^
  -draw "fill rgb(0,0,0) text 125,38 'What is wikispeedia?'" ^

Re: $20 for help. Cheap broke bastard.

Posted: 2013-11-21T15:04:13-07:00
by cellurl
I have to use CGI. Sorry about that.....

Your examples are exactly what I need.
If you can help me convert them to perl I would be in your debt.

So far, I copied your and got this far.

thanks for continued help. I had email notify off. Its on now....

Re: $20 for help. Cheap broke bastard.

Posted: 2013-11-21T19:33:45-07:00
by snibgo
For help on IM in Perl, see viewforum.php?f=7

The more specific you can be about your questions, the better the answers will be.

Re: $20 for help. Cheap broke bastard.

Posted: 2013-11-21T20:38:36-07:00
by cellurl
ok, off to new forum.