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Sequence of YCbCr images (YUV)

Posted: 2013-11-16T13:54:51-07:00
by figgis
I'm trying to blur a sequence of YCbCr images. Format is YV12, i.e. 8bpp, 4:2:0

The classic foreman-clip contains 300 frames in CIF size.

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./convert -blur 2x2 -size 352x288 -depth 8 foreman_352x288.yuv slask.yuv
Produces the desired output but I get 1 file per frame, i.e.

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where n=0..299

Is it possible the get the output into one single file? I tried various options like

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[+-]append, [+-]adjoin
with no luck. append does give one file of the correct size but the format given is no known YUV-format as far as I can tell.

Rignt now I'm solving this by doing

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for i in {0..299}; do cat slask-$i.yuv >> slask.yuv; done
in bash.

Can it be done? I.e get one single file containing 45619200 bytes in YV12 format after the convert?

I'm using Version: ImageMagick 6.8.7-6 Q16 x86_64 2013-11-16