I've got 6 pictures with dimensions of 111.394 width & height in pixels (12.408.623.236 pixels) which are walls of a panorama cube.
Code: Select all
$ identify wall1-front-merged.tif
wall1-front-merged.tif TIFF 111394x111394 111394x111394+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 3.7423GB 0.000u 0:00.000
This software nees those panorama cube walls in a deep zoom tiled format similar to the format defined by Microsoft (easily convertable by just resorting the tiles with for example a shell script).
The problem I have, is that both the tools that I previously used to do the deep zoom tiling
(SaladoConverter http://panozona.com/wiki/SaladoConverter & imgcnv http://biodev.ece.ucsb.edu/projects/imgcnv) have failed do to the huge size of pictures.
At first I found this deepzoom tool http://search.cpan.org/dist/Graphics-DZI/ though it didn't work as I hoped:
Code: Select all
$ deepzoom wall1-front-merged.tif
something is wrong with 'wall1-front-merged.tif' at /usr/local/bin/deepzoom line 189
Code: Select all
$ convert ../wall1.tif -crop -871x871 -set filename:tile "%[fx:page.x/871+1]_%[fx:page.y/871+1]" +repage +adjoin "tiles_%[filename:tile].jpg"
How can I optimize the tiling and resizing of such huge pictures?
I've found http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/files/#massive but I have a hard time judging which of the described methods is the best one for my situtation.
edit: ps: I know that Imagemagick can successfully read and interpret my image, since this command:
Code: Select all
convert wall1-front-merged.tif -resize 870x870 wall1-front-merged_870px.jpg