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Text is not readable on jpeg file when RESIZE option is used

Posted: 2013-12-27T06:48:39-07:00
by Carter J

I have used following command for converting the PDF file to a JPG file:
convert C:\Users\DesktopUser\PDF\PDFFILE.pdf[0] -resize 800X600 C:\Users\DesktopUser\JPG\JPGFILE_withResize.jpg

On the output jpg file JPGFILE_withResize.jpg the text is not readable.

I am using ImageMagick-6.5.4. I have also tried this with latest version of ImageMagick i.e., 6.8.8 . In both the cases I was not able to read the text.

Re: Text is not readable on jpeg file when RESIZE option is

Posted: 2013-12-27T06:58:43-07:00
by magick
  • convert -density 300 C:\Users\DesktopUser\PDF\PDFFILE.pdf[0] -resize 800X600 C:\Users\DesktopUser\JPG\JPGFILE_withResize.jpg

Re: Text is not readable on jpeg file when RESIZE option is

Posted: 2013-12-27T07:07:11-07:00
by Carter J
Thanks for the reply @magick, I tried this also. This also not worked.

Re: Text is not readable on jpeg file when RESIZE option is

Posted: 2013-12-27T10:38:43-07:00
by magick
Its possible the PDF is rasterized and is not a vector PDF. The density option only works if the PDF is vectors.