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Poor Quality of EPS file

Posted: 2014-01-02T02:54:14-07:00
by Carter J

I am using followings commands for converting a TIFF file to EPS file:

convert -alpha off -strip tiffile.tif[0] -density 100 epsfile.eps

convert -alpha off -strip tiffile.tif[0] -resample 100 epsfile.eps

I have tried above commands but no command produced epsfile.eps file with resolution 100X100. The above commands produced a result with 72X72 resolution. And the produced eps file is like an x-ray image.

Note: When I am applying profile to this file, then EPS file is produced with good quality. But I want this EPS file generation without applying any profile

Re: Poor Quality of EPS file

Posted: 2014-01-02T11:17:13-07:00
by fmw42
You are putting a raster file into an eps vector shell. EPS is normally a vector format. But with a raster file imbedded it will be the same as the raster file. When displaying the eps file you will need to define a new density in order for it, since it has no implicit density or resize the tif file first before converting it.

This works for me

convert rose: rose.eps

Now compare

display rose:


display -density 400 rose:

The latter is larger.

Re: Poor Quality of EPS file

Posted: 2014-01-05T01:33:23-07:00
by Carter J

For converting a TIFF file to EPS file I have used the following command:
convert -alpha off -strip -resample 150 TEST_0201_2.tif[0] -profile /tmp/ICCProfiles/Recommended/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -profile "/tmp/ICCProfiles/Recommended/sRGB Color Space Profile.icm" /tmp/TestFiles/tif_test_tif_resample_temp_1.eps

When I used this command to generate a EPS file, I was able to find two files in the destination folder having "-0" or "-1"(tif_test_tif_resample_temp_1-0.eps & tif_test_tif_resample_temp_1-1.eps). And one of the file is a blank white screen and other is the xray image of the Tiff file.

When I used the below command I am able to produce only one file as output, but the output EPS file looks like a x-ray image:
convert -alpha off -strip -resample 150 -background White TEST_0201_1.tif -profile /tmp/ICCProfiles/Recommended/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -profile "/tmp/ICCProfiles/Recommended/sRGB Color Space Profile.icm" -flatten /e2/tiftoepsconverter.eps

I have taken the screen shot of the EPS generated. Please find the screenshot in the below link:

Thanks in advance...............

Re: Poor Quality of EPS file

Posted: 2014-01-05T02:20:46-07:00
by snibgo
convert -alpha off -strip -resample 150 TEST_0201_2.tif[0] /tmp/ICCProfiles/Recommended/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -profile "/tmp/ICCProfiles/Recommended/sRGB Color Space Profile.icm" /tmp/TestFiles/tif_test_tif_resample_temp_1.eps
The command is badly formed.

You should read the input, process it, then write it.

You put /tmp/ICCProfiles/Recommended/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc in the place where IM expects an input image. So it reads it as an image, which is why it writes two output images.

A better command would be:

Code: Select all

convert ^
  TEST_0201_2.tif[0] ^
  -alpha off -strip -resample 150 ^
  -profile /tmp/ICCProfiles/Recommended/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc ^
  -profile "/tmp/ICCProfiles/Recommended/sRGB Color Space Profile.icm" ^
(Windows syntax, so line-continuation character is "^").

Can you put your input tiff somewhere like and post the URL here?

Re: Poor Quality of EPS file

Posted: 2014-01-05T03:31:54-07:00
by Carter J
Thanks snibgo, I have run wrong command. Now I have updated the command.

convert -alpha off -strip -resample 150 TEST_0201_2.tif[0] -profile /tmp/ICCProfiles/Recommended/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -profile "/tmp/ICCProfiles/Recommended/sRGB Color Space Profile.icm" /tmp/TestFiles/tif_test_tif_resample_temp_1.eps

Its working on machine having ImageMagick - 6.8.7-5 and not working on machine having ImageMagick - 6.5.4-7

Is there any solution for making it to work with ImageMagick - 6.5.4-7

Re: Poor Quality of EPS file

Posted: 2014-01-05T03:40:27-07:00
by snibgo
v6.5.4 is very old. Perhaps "-profile" worked differently then. I suppose the input tiff is CMY or CMYK, and perhaps "-colorspace" will help.

Can you put your input tiff somewhere like and post the URL here?

Re: Poor Quality of EPS file

Posted: 2014-01-05T23:04:28-07:00
by Carter J
As these files are customer specific files. I could not give those files to you........

Re: Poor Quality of EPS file

Posted: 2014-01-05T23:44:20-07:00
by fmw42
convert -alpha off -strip -resample 150 TEST_0201_2.tif[0] -profile /tmp/ICCProfiles/Recommended/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -profile "/tmp/ICCProfiles/Recommended/sRGB Color Space Profile.icm" /tmp/TestFiles/tif_test_tif_resample_temp_1.eps
I think this command is still wrong. You should read the tif file first, then turn alpha off and resample after converting with profiles. Try

convert TEST_0201_2.tif[0] -alpha off -strip -profile /tmp/ICCProfiles/Recommended/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -profile "/tmp/ICCProfiles/Recommended/sRGB Color Space Profile.icm" -resample 150 /tmp/TestFiles/tif_test_tif_resample_temp_1.eps