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cylindrical color spaces

Posted: 2014-01-13T06:11:06-07:00
by GreenKoopa
Are the cylindrical color spaces (HSV/HSB, HSL, HSI, HWB, HCL) inherently sRGB-based? I have always thought of them as mathematical constructs that could be applied to any RGB colorspace, but I discovered that ImageMagick implicitly expands
convert hald:10 -set colorspace RGB -colorspace HSL ...
convert hald:10 -set colorspace RGB -colorspace sRGB -colorspace HSL ...
where "hald:10 -set colorspace RGB" represents any linear RGB image.

Re: cylindrical color spaces

Posted: 2014-01-13T07:06:22-07:00
by snibgo
As far as I know, HSV like any colorspace is defined in absolute terms, not relative to the previous colorspace.

Hence a command like ...

Code: Select all

convert in.png -colorspace X -colorspace HSV ...
... will give the same result (within rounding error) whatever the value of X.