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Possible bug for clip with trim (OS X 10.9)

Posted: 2014-01-13T15:50:13-07:00
by uli

We've encountered an issue that appears to be related to applying clipping path in combination with the IM trim parameter for various TIFF files. The file in question can be downloaded here:

The following image has been created on a stock Ubuntu (Server) 13.04 Linux installation with IM 6.7.7

Ubuntu 13.04, IM convert command:

Code: Select all

convert Wok_Noodles_Fullkorn_12627.tif -flatten -alpha transparent -clip -alpha opaque -trim +repage -resize 640x480 -unsharp 0.5x0.5+1.1+0.0 -dither Riemersma -units PixelsPerInch -density 72 -strip test-ubuntu.gif
Ubuntu 13.04, converted GIF image:

Ubuntu 13.04: convert -list configure output

Code: Select all

Path: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ImageMagick-6.7.7/config/configure.xml

Name          Value
CC            gcc -std=gnu99 -std=gnu99
CFLAGS        -I/usr/include/lqr-1 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -fopenmp -g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wall -pthread
CODER_PATH    /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ImageMagick-6.7.7/modules-Q16/coders
CONFIGURE     ./configure  '--prefix=/usr' '--libdir=${prefix}/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--mandir=${prefix}/share/man' '--infodir=${prefix}/share/info' 'CFLAGS=-g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security' 'CPPFLAGS=-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' 'CXXFLAGS=-g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security' 'FFLAGS=-g -O2' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro' '--with-modules' '--with-gs-font-dir=/usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts' '--with-magick-plus-plus' '--with-djvu' '--with-wmf' '--without-gvc' '--enable-shared' '--without-dps' '--without-fpx' '--with-perl-options=INSTALLDIRS=vendor' '--x-includes=/usr/include/X11' '--x-libraries=/usr/lib/X11'
CONFIGURE_PATH /etc/ImageMagick/
COPYRIGHT     Copyright (C) 1999-2012 ImageMagick Studio LLC
CPPFLAGS      -I/usr/include/ImageMagick
CXX           g++
CXXFLAGS      -g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -pthread
DELEGATES     bzlib djvu fftw fontconfig freetype jbig jpeg jng jp2 lcms2 lqr lzma openexr pango png rsvg tiff x11 xml wmf zlib
DISTCHECK_CONFIG_FLAGS 'CFLAGS=-g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security' 'CPPFLAGS=-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro' --disable-deprecated --with-quantum-depth=16 --with-umem=no --with-autotrace=no --with-dps=no --with-fpx=no --with-gslib=no --with-fontpath= --with-gs-font-dir=/usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts --with-gvc=no --with-perl=no
DOCUMENTATION_PATH /usr/share/doc/ImageMagick-6.7.7
FILTER_PATH   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ImageMagick-6.7.7/modules-Q16/filters
HOST          x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
INCLUDE_PATH  /usr/include/ImageMagick
LDFLAGS       -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -L/usr/lib/X11 -L/usr/lib
LIBRARY_PATH  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ImageMagick-6.7.7
LIBS          -lMagickCore -llcms2 -ltiff -lfreetype -ljpeg -llqr-1 -lglib-2.0 -lfftw3 -lfontconfig -lXext -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lXt -llzma -lbz2 -lz -lm -lgomp -lpthread -lltdl
NAME          ImageMagick
PCFLAGS       -fopenmp
PREFIX        /usr
QuantumDepth  16
RELEASE_DATE  2013-09-10
SHARE_PATH    /usr/share/ImageMagick-6.7.7
TARGET_CPU    x86_64
TARGET_OS     linux-gnu
VERSION       6.7.7

Path: [built-in]

Name          Value
NAME          ImageMagick

Mac OS X 10.9.1, IM convert command:

Code: Select all

convert Wok_Noodles_Fullkorn_12627.tif -flatten -alpha transparent -clip -alpha opaque -trim +repage -resize 640x480 -unsharp 0.5x0.5+1.1+0.0 -dither Riemersma -units PixelsPerInch -density 72 -strip test-osx.gif
Mac OS X 10.9.1, converted GIF image:

Mac OS X 10.9.1: convert -list configure output

Code: Select all

Path: /opt/local/lib/ImageMagick-6.8.8//config-Q16/configure.xml

Name           Value
CC             /usr/bin/clang
CFLAGS         -I/opt/local/include/freetype2 -pipe -Os -arch x86_64 -arch i386 -Wall -fexceptions -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0 -D_THREAD_SAFE -pthread -DMAGICKCORE_HDRI_ENABLE=0 -DMAGICKCORE_QUANTUM_DEPTH=16
CODER_PATH     /opt/local/lib/ImageMagick-6.8.8/modules-Q16/coders
CONFIGURE      ./configure  '--prefix=/opt/local' '--disable-dependency-tracking' '--enable-shared' '--with-dps' '--with-bzlib' '--with-fontconfig' '--with-gslib' '--with-jpeg' '--with-lcms' '--with-png' '--with-tiff' '--with-webp' '--with-zlib' '--with-modules' '--with-xml' '--without-perl' '--without-fpx' '--without-jbig' '--without-jp2' '--without-wmf' '--without-gvc' '--without-rsvg' '--without-lqr' '--without-pango' '--with-gs-font-dir=/opt/local/share/fonts/urw-fonts' '--without-x' '--disable-static' '--disable-deprecated' '--with-quantum-depth=16' '--with-umem=no' 'CC=/usr/bin/clang' 'CFLAGS=-pipe -Os -arch x86_64 -arch i386' 'LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -arch x86_64 -arch i386' 'CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include' 'CXX=/usr/bin/clang++' 'CXXFLAGS=-pipe -Os -arch x86_64 -arch i386'
CONFIGURE_PATH /opt/local/etc/ImageMagick-6/
COPYRIGHT      Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC
CPPFLAGS       -I/opt/local/include/ImageMagick-6
CXX            /usr/bin/clang++
CXXFLAGS       -pipe -Os -arch x86_64 -arch i386 -D_THREAD_SAFE -pthread
DELEGATES      bzlib mpeg fftw fontconfig freetype gslib jng jpeg lcms lzma png ps tiff webp xml zlib
DISTCHECK_CONFIG_FLAGS 'CC=/usr/bin/clang' 'CFLAGS=-pipe -Os -arch x86_64 -arch i386' 'CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include' 'CXX=/usr/bin/clang++' 'LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -arch x86_64 -arch i386' --disable-deprecated --with-quantum-depth=16 --with-umem=no --with-autotrace=no --with-fpx=no --with-fontpath= --with-gs-font-dir=/opt/local/share/fonts/urw-fonts --with-gvc=no --with-lqr=no --with-mupdf=no --with-pango=no --with-rsvg=no --with-wmf=no --with-perl=no
DOCUMENTATION_PATH /opt/local/share/doc/ImageMagick-6
EXEC-PREFIX    /opt/local
EXECUTABLE_PATH /opt/local/bin
FEATURES       DPC Modules
FILTER_PATH    /opt/local/lib/ImageMagick-6.8.8/modules-Q16/filters
HOST           x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0
INCLUDE_PATH   /opt/local/include/ImageMagick-6
LDFLAGS        -L/opt/local/lib -L/opt/local/lib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -arch x86_64 -arch i386 -L/opt/local/lib
LIB_VERSION    0x688
LIBRARY_PATH   /opt/local/lib/ImageMagick-6.8.8
LIBS           -llcms2 -L/opt/local/lib -lfreetype -lfftw3 -L/opt/local/lib -lfontconfig -lfreetype -L/opt/local/lib -llzma -lbz2 -lz -lltdl -lm
NAME           ImageMagick
PREFIX         /opt/local
QuantumDepth   16
RELEASE_DATE   2014-01-13
SHARE_PATH     /opt/local/share/ImageMagick-6
SHAREARCH_PATH /opt/local/lib/ImageMagick-6.8.8/config-Q16
TARGET_CPU     x86_64
TARGET_OS      darwin13.0.0
VERSION        6.8.8

Path: [built-in]

Name           Value
NAME           ImageMagick
QuantumDepth   16
I've also tested image conversion for the same TIFF file with the latest IM for OS X binary distribution and older versions of IM on Mac OS X with the Macports 2.2.1 provided IM delegates (tiff 4.0.3, jpeg 9_1 etc.) leading to the same black background converted image for GIF and several other target image formats.

Note that the same issue also occurs with an IM 6.8.8-2 installation on Centos Linux 6.4 using latest packages:

Code: Select all

Name           Value
CC             gcc
CFLAGS         -pthread -I/opt/pkg/include/OpenEXR -I/opt/pkg/include/freetype2 -I/opt/pkg/include -fopenmp -O2 -Wno-error -I/opt/pkg/include -I/usr/include -I/opt/pkg/include/freetype2 -Wall -fexceptions -pthread -DMAGICKCORE_HDRI_ENABLE=0 -DMAGICKCORE_QUANTUM_DEPTH=16
CODER_PATH     /opt/pkg/lib/ImageMagick-6.8.8/modules-Q16/coders
CONFIGURE      --without-dps --without-fpx --without-gvc --without-jbig --without-lqr --without-modules --disable-assert --with-fontconfig --with-ltdl-include=/opt/pkg/include --with-ltdl-lib=/opt/pkg/lib --with-xml=yes --without-perl --sysconfdir=/opt/pkg/etc --without-x --with-jp2 --with-djvu --with-gslib --without-wmf --prefix=/opt/pkg --build=x86_64-unknown-linux --host=x86_64-unknown-linux --mandir=/opt/pkg/man
CONFIGURE_PATH /opt/pkg/etc/ImageMagick-6/
COPYRIGHT      Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC
CPPFLAGS       -I/opt/pkg/include/ImageMagick-6
CXX            g++
CXXFLAGS       -O2 -Wno-error -I/opt/pkg/include -I/usr/include -I/opt/pkg/include/freetype2 -pthread
DELEGATES      bzlib djvu mpeg fftw fontconfig freetype gslib jng jpeg lcms lzma openexr png ps tiff webp xml zlib
DISTCHECK_CONFIG_FLAGS 'CC=gcc' 'CFLAGS=-O2 -Wno-error -I/opt/pkg/include -I/usr/include -I/opt/pkg/include/freetype2' 'CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/pkg/include -I/usr/include -I/opt/pkg/include/freetype2' 'CXX=g++' 'LDFLAGS=-L/opt/pkg/lib -Wl,-R/opt/pkg/lib -L/usr/lib64 -Wl,-R/usr/lib64' 'LIBS=' --disable-deprecated --with-quantum-depth=16 --with-umem=no --with-autotrace=no --with-dps=no --with-fpx=no --with-fontpath= --with-gvc=no --with-lqr=no --with-mupdf=no --with-rsvg=no --with-wmf=no --with-perl=no
DOCUMENTATION_PATH /opt/pkg/share/doc/ImageMagick-6
EXEC-PREFIX    /opt/pkg
EXECUTABLE_PATH /opt/pkg/bin
FILTER_PATH    /opt/pkg/lib/ImageMagick-6.8.8/modules-Q16/filters
HOST           x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
INCLUDE_PATH   /opt/pkg/include/ImageMagick-6
LDFLAGS        -L/opt/pkg/lib -L/opt/pkg/lib -Wl,-R/opt/pkg/lib -L/usr/lib64 -Wl,-R/usr/lib64 -L/opt/pkg/lib
LIB_VERSION    0x688
LIBRARY_PATH   /opt/pkg/lib/ImageMagick-6.8.8
LIBS           -llcms2 -ltiff -L/opt/pkg/lib -Wl,-R/opt/pkg/lib -lfreetype -ljpeg -lgs -lpng16 -ldjvulibre -lfftw3 -L/opt/pkg/lib -Wl,-R/opt/pkg/lib -lfontconfig -Wl,-R/opt/pkg/lib -lfreetype -lwebp -L/opt/pkg/lib -Wl,-R/opt/pkg/lib -llzma -lbz2 -L/opt/pkg/lib -Wl,-R/opt/pkg/lib -lIlmImf -Wl,-R/opt/pkg/lib -lImath -lHalf -lIex -lIexMath -lIlmThread -lpthread -lrt -lxml2 -lz -lm -lgomp -lpthread -lrt
NAME           ImageMagick
PREFIX         /opt/pkg
QuantumDepth   16
RELEASE_DATE   2014-01-13
SHARE_PATH     /opt/pkg/share/ImageMagick-6
SHAREARCH_PATH /opt/pkg/lib/ImageMagick-6.8.8/config-Q16
TARGET_CPU     x86_64
TARGET_OS      linux-gnu
VERSION        6.8.8

Path: [built-in]

Name           Value
FEATURES       OpenMP 
NAME           ImageMagick
QuantumDepth   16

Re: Possible bug for clip with trim (OS X 10.9)

Posted: 2014-01-13T18:57:41-07:00
by magick
ImageMagick does not trim the clipping path. It will adjust the clipping path when the image is resized but not when its trimmed.

Re: Possible bug for clip with trim

Posted: 2014-01-14T11:57:47-07:00
by uli
Hi Magick,

Thanks a lot for responding so quickly.

Just to clarify: what we're seeing is either a change of behavior sometime between IM versions 6.7.7 and 6.8.8 or a regression bug in IM when using the "trim" parameter in combination with "clip" like so:

Code: Select all

convert Wok_Noodles_Fullkorn_12627.tif -flatten -alpha transparent -clip -alpha opaque -trim +repage -resize 640x480 -unsharp 0.5x0.5+1.1+0.0 -dither Riemersma -units PixelsPerInch -density 72 -strip test.gif
The reason we're using "trim" and "clip" in IM convert invocations is that some source images might have clipping path (and can be clip'd) and others might not but need to be trim'd.

We do get the expected result GIF image with transparency with IM version 6.7.7, but IM adds a black color in the area that is supposed be transparent when for example using IM 6.8.8 or latest 6.8.8-2.

Please also note the differences in the converted GIF image properties as identified by IM:

IM identify results for IM version 6.7.7 converted GIF image:

Code: Select all

Image: x-6.7.gif
  Format: GIF (CompuServe graphics interchange format)
  Mime type: image/gif
  Class: PseudoClass
  Geometry: 581x480+0+0
  Units: Undefined
  Type: PaletteAlpha
  Endianess: Undefined
  Colorspace: sRGB
  Depth: 8-bit
  Channel depth:
    red: 8-bit
    green: 8-bit
    blue: 8-bit
    alpha: 1-bit
  Channel statistics:
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 243 (0.952941)
      mean: 78.4123 (0.307499)
      standard deviation: 76.5659 (0.300259)
      kurtosis: -0.910111
      skewness: 0.693165
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 243 (0.952941)
      mean: 69.2596 (0.271606)
      standard deviation: 73.045 (0.286451)
      kurtosis: -0.474278
      skewness: 0.906337
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 246 (0.964706)
      mean: 63.5593 (0.249252)
      standard deviation: 71.4775 (0.280304)
      kurtosis: 0.0981015
      skewness: 1.14356
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 255 (1)
      mean: 222.74 (0.87349)
      standard deviation: 84.7678 (0.332423)
      kurtosis: 3.04937
      skewness: 2.24708
  Image statistics:
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 255 (1)
      mean: 60.8728 (0.238717)
      standard deviation: 76.6364 (0.300535)
      kurtosis: 0.390578
      skewness: 1.2777
  Alpha: none   #00000000
  Colors: 256
     35281: (  0,  0,  0,  0) #00000000 none
     17950: (  3,  2,  3,255) #030203 srgba(3,2,3,1)
      2741: (  5,  4, 10,255) #05040A srgba(5,4,10,1)
      3223: (  6,  9,  9,255) #060909 srgba(6,9,9,1)
      1520: (  8,  8, 19,255) #080813 srgba(8,8,19,1)
      5271: (  9,  5,  6,255) #090506 srgba(9,5,6,1)
      3949: ( 10,  6, 10,255) #0A060A srgba(10,6,10,1)
      2226: ( 11,  9,  6,255) #0B0906 srgba(11,9,6,1)
      5749: ( 12, 11, 12,255) #0C0B0C srgba(12,11,12,1)
      2539: ( 13, 13, 17,255) #0D0D11 srgba(13,13,17,1)
      2231: ( 14, 16, 13,255) #0E100D srgba(14,16,13,1)
      2774: ( 14, 17, 19,255) #0E1113 srgba(14,17,19,1)
       155: ( 14, 20, 43,255) #0E142B srgba(14,20,43,1)
      3590: ( 17, 13, 13,255) #110D0D srgba(17,13,13,1)
      2802: ( 18, 14, 17,255) #120E11 srgba(18,14,17,1)
      3509: ( 19, 17, 14,255) #13110E srgba(19,17,14,1)
      3871: ( 20, 19, 19,255) #141313 srgba(20,19,19,1)
      1682: ( 21, 21, 25,255) #151519 srgba(21,21,25,1)
      1250: ( 22, 10,  7,255) #160A07 srgba(22,10,7,1)
      2250: ( 22, 25, 24,255) #161918 srgba(22,25,24,1)
      2667: ( 25, 13, 20,255) #190D14 srgba(25,13,20,1)
      1088: ( 26, 21,  8,255) #1A1508 srgba(26,21,8,1)
      1838: ( 26, 21, 20,255) #1A1514 srgba(26,21,20,1)
      1992: ( 26, 22, 25,255) #1A1619 srgba(26,22,25,1)
      1176: ( 27, 19, 13,255) #1B130D srgba(27,19,13,1)
       623: ( 27, 28, 34,255) #1B1C22 srgba(27,28,34,1)
      2845: ( 28, 25, 21,255) #1C1915 srgba(28,25,21,1)
      2047: ( 28, 27, 27,255) #1C1B1B srgba(28,27,27,1)
      1258: ( 30, 32, 27,255) #1E201B srgba(30,32,27,1)
       647: ( 30, 34, 38,255) #1E2226 srgba(30,34,38,1)
        48: ( 31, 42, 80,255) #1F2A50 srgba(31,42,80,1)
       923: ( 34, 29, 27,255) #221D1B srgba(34,29,27,1)
      1183: ( 35, 27, 20,255) #231B14 srgba(35,27,20,1)
       903: ( 35, 30, 34,255) #231E22 srgba(35,30,34,1)
       981: ( 36, 34, 28,255) #24221C srgba(36,34,28,1)
      1177: ( 36, 35, 35,255) #242323 srgba(36,35,35,1)
       506: ( 39, 11, 10,255) #270B0A srgba(39,11,10,1)
       857: ( 39, 22, 11,255) #27160B srgba(39,22,11,1)
       818: ( 40, 24, 20,255) #281814 srgba(40,24,20,1)
      1375: ( 41, 40, 39,255) #292827 srgba(41,40,39,1)
      1322: ( 42, 36, 26,255) #2A241A srgba(42,36,26,1)
       511: ( 42, 37, 36,255) #2A2524 srgba(42,37,36,1)
       655: ( 43, 44, 51,255) #2B2C33 srgba(43,44,51,1)
       874: ( 44, 43, 43,255) #2C2B2B srgba(44,43,43,1)
       863: ( 46, 49, 50,255) #2E3132 srgba(46,49,50,1)
       108: ( 46, 50, 77,255) #2E324D srgba(46,50,77,1)
       802: ( 50, 45, 44,255) #322D2C srgba(50,45,44,1)
       509: ( 51,  9, 13,255) #33090D srgba(51,9,13,1)
       622: ( 51, 46, 51,255) #332E33 srgba(51,46,51,1)
       856: ( 52, 51, 51,255) #343333 srgba(52,51,51,1)
       266: ( 53, 25, 41,255) #351929 srgba(53,25,41,1)
       645: ( 53, 43, 37,255) #352B25 srgba(53,43,37,1)
       697: ( 54, 25, 10,255) #36190A srgba(54,25,10,1)
       689: ( 54, 26, 20,255) #361A14 srgba(54,26,20,1)
       479: ( 55, 40, 24,255) #372818 srgba(55,40,24,1)
       867: ( 56, 40, 15,255) #38280F srgba(56,40,15,1)
      1193: ( 56, 51, 42,255) #38332A srgba(56,51,42,1)
      1046: ( 57, 55, 56,255) #393738 srgba(57,55,56,1)
       840: ( 58, 53, 52,255) #3A3534 srgba(58,53,52,1)
       896: ( 60, 59, 59,255) #3C3B3B srgba(60,59,59,1)
       669: ( 60, 59, 67,255) #3C3B43 srgba(60,59,67,1)
       186: ( 61, 66, 75,255) #3D424B srgba(61,66,75,1)
        13: ( 61, 77,129,255) #3D4D81 srgba(61,77,129,1)
       577: ( 62, 64, 61,255) #3E403D srgba(62,64,61,1)
       553: ( 66, 61, 60,255) #423D3C srgba(66,61,60,1)
       750: ( 67, 62, 66,255) #433E42 srgba(67,62,66,1)
      1231: ( 68, 67, 68,255) #444344 srgba(68,67,68,1)
       984: ( 69, 57, 39,255) #453927 srgba(69,57,39,1)
       454: ( 69, 59, 53,255) #453B35 srgba(69,59,53,1)
       624: ( 69, 69, 73,255) #454549 srgba(69,69,73,1)
       402: ( 70, 26,  9,255) #461A09 srgba(70,26,9,1)
      1448: ( 70, 73, 72,255) #464948 srgba(70,73,72,1)
       426: ( 71, 38, 10,255) #47260A srgba(71,38,10,1)
       549: ( 71, 38, 20,255) #472614 srgba(71,38,20,1)
       580: ( 71, 73, 86,255) #474956 srgba(71,73,86,1)
      1244: ( 72, 67, 59,255) #48433B srgba(72,67,59,1)
       630: ( 74, 69, 68,255) #4A4544 srgba(74,69,68,1)
      1045: ( 74, 70, 74,255) #4A464A srgba(74,70,74,1)
       443: ( 76, 16, 11,255) #4C100B srgba(76,16,11,1)
      1898: ( 76, 74, 69,255) #4C4A45 srgba(76,74,69,1)
      2180: ( 76, 75, 75,255) #4C4B4B srgba(76,75,75,1)
      1136: ( 77, 77, 82,255) #4D4D52 srgba(77,77,82,1)
      1682: ( 78, 81, 80,255) #4E5150 srgba(78,81,80,1)
       151: ( 79, 83,108,255) #4F536C srgba(79,83,108,1)
       278: ( 81, 49, 48,255) #513130 srgba(81,49,48,1)
       654: ( 81, 50, 19,255) #513213 srgba(81,50,19,1)
      1292: ( 82, 77, 76,255) #524D4C srgba(82,77,76,1)
      1019: ( 82, 78, 82,255) #524E52 srgba(82,78,82,1)
       714: ( 84, 72, 43,255) #54482B srgba(84,72,43,1)
      2075: ( 84, 82, 77,255) #54524D srgba(84,82,77,1)
      1432: ( 84, 83, 83,255) #545353 srgba(84,83,83,1)
       356: ( 85, 56, 70,255) #553846 srgba(85,56,70,1)
       512: ( 86, 72, 57,255) #564839 srgba(86,72,57,1)
       820: ( 86, 74, 70,255) #564A46 srgba(86,74,70,1)
       625: ( 87, 39,  8,255) #572708 srgba(87,39,8,1)
      1456: ( 87, 85, 89,255) #575559 srgba(87,85,89,1)
       627: ( 88,  4,  6,255) #580406 srgba(88,4,6,1)
       793: ( 88, 77, 84,255) #584D54 srgba(88,77,84,1)
      1247: ( 90, 84, 75,255) #5A544B srgba(90,84,75,1)
      1151: ( 90, 85, 83,255) #5A5553 srgba(90,85,83,1)
       367: ( 90, 91, 99,255) #5A5B63 srgba(90,91,99,1)
        79: ( 91,102,136,255) #5B6688 srgba(91,102,136,1)
      1723: ( 92, 90, 85,255) #5C5A55 srgba(92,90,85,1)
      1160: ( 92, 91, 91,255) #5C5B5B srgba(92,91,91,1)
       598: ( 93, 98,102,255) #5D6266 srgba(93,98,102,1)
       362: ( 95, 23, 39,255) #5F1727 srgba(95,23,39,1)
       434: ( 98, 93, 91,255) #625D5B srgba(98,93,91,1)
       741: (100, 90, 85,255) #645A55 srgba(100,90,85,1)
      1196: (100, 98, 92,255) #64625C srgba(100,98,92,1)
       457: (100, 99, 99,255) #646363 srgba(100,99,99,1)
       702: (101, 74, 70,255) #654A46 srgba(101,74,70,1)
       698: (101, 93,100,255) #655D64 srgba(101,93,100,1)
       613: (102, 85, 74,255) #66554A srgba(102,85,74,1)
       486: (103, 40,  7,255) #672807 srgba(103,40,7,1)
       732: (105,  3,  6,255) #690306 srgba(105,3,6,1)
       614: (106, 91, 26,255) #6A5B1A srgba(106,91,26,1)
      1166: (106,100, 91,255) #6A645B srgba(106,100,91,1)
      1400: (107,104,103,255) #6B6867 srgba(107,104,103,1)
       237: (108, 58, 73,255) #6C3A49 srgba(108,58,73,1)
       336: (109, 51, 45,255) #6D332D srgba(109,51,45,1)
       499: (110, 79, 53,255) #6E4F35 srgba(110,79,53,1)
      1042: (110,108,116,255) #6E6C74 srgba(110,108,116,1)
       524: (113, 22, 14,255) #71160E srgba(113,22,14,1)
       741: (113, 49, 13,255) #71310D srgba(113,49,13,1)
       499: (114, 76, 15,255) #724C0F srgba(114,76,15,1)
       307: (115, 79, 78,255) #734F4E srgba(115,79,78,1)
      1100: (115,108,104,255) #736C68 srgba(115,108,104,1)
       698: (117,105, 81,255) #756951 srgba(117,105,81,1)
      1359: (119,  2,  7,255) #770207 srgba(119,2,7,1)
       454: (119,121,133,255) #777985 srgba(119,121,133,1)
       487: (120, 88, 70,255) #785846 srgba(120,88,70,1)
      1377: (120,115,108,255) #78736C srgba(120,115,108,1)
      1007: (122,119,118,255) #7A7776 srgba(122,119,118,1)
       243: (125,130,144,255) #7D8290 srgba(125,130,144,1)
      1043: (127,128,120,255) #7F8078 srgba(127,128,120,1)
       593: (131,124,120,255) #837C78 srgba(131,124,120,1)
       386: (133,124,133,255) #857C85 srgba(133,124,133,1)
      1006: (134,131,124,255) #86837C srgba(134,131,124,1)
      1258: (137,135,134,255) #898786 srgba(137,135,134,1)
       684: (139, 12, 10,255) #8B0C0A srgba(139,12,10,1)
       677: (139, 88, 70,255) #8B5846 srgba(139,88,70,1)
       694: (140, 50, 13,255) #8C320D srgba(140,50,13,1)
       557: (140,117,105,255) #8C7569 srgba(140,117,105,1)
       644: (141, 84, 52,255) #8D5434 srgba(141,84,52,1)
       662: (141,140,148,255) #8D8C94 srgba(141,140,148,1)
       153: (144,146,170,255) #9092AA srgba(144,146,170,1)
       658: (145, 78, 14,255) #914E0E srgba(145,78,14,1)
       718: (145,109, 77,255) #916D4D srgba(145,109,77,1)
       411: (146, 49, 46,255) #92312E srgba(146,49,46,1)
       747: (146,141,137,255) #928D89 srgba(146,141,137,1)
       595: (147,108, 12,255) #936C0C srgba(147,108,12,1)
       623: (147,108, 50,255) #936C32 srgba(147,108,50,1)
       579: (150,136,111,255) #96886F srgba(150,136,111,1)
      1177: (150,147,140,255) #96938C srgba(150,147,140,1)
      1019: (152,149,149,255) #989595 srgba(152,149,149,1)
       250: (155,155,164,255) #9B9BA4 srgba(155,155,164,1)
       556: (156, 36, 30,255) #9C241E srgba(156,36,30,1)
       808: (156,155,155,255) #9C9B9B srgba(156,155,155,1)
       683: (158,161,167,255) #9EA1A7 srgba(158,161,167,1)
       394: (161,146, 28,255) #A1921C srgba(161,146,28,1)
       325: (163,157,154,255) #A39D9A srgba(163,157,154,1)
       405: (164,163,163,255) #A4A3A3 srgba(164,163,163,1)
       921: (165,162,156,255) #A5A29C srgba(165,162,156,1)
       255: (166,156,164,255) #A69CA4 srgba(166,156,164,1)
       462: (167, 86, 44,255) #A7562C srgba(167,86,44,1)
       176: (168, 83, 91,255) #A8535B srgba(168,83,91,1)
       514: (168,166,168,255) #A8A6A8 srgba(168,166,168,1)
       678: (169,149, 81,255) #A99551 srgba(169,149,81,1)
       218: (171, 75, 84,255) #AB4B54 srgba(171,75,84,1)
       585: (171, 83, 14,255) #AB530E srgba(171,83,14,1)
       790: (171,117, 77,255) #AB754D srgba(171,117,77,1)
       605: (171,171,179,255) #ABABB3 srgba(171,171,179,1)
       359: (172,118,108,255) #AC766C srgba(172,118,108,1)
      1036: (172,171,172,255) #ACABAC srgba(172,171,172,1)
       247: (172,177,198,255) #ACB1C6 srgba(172,177,198,1)
       646: (174,114, 49,255) #AE7231 srgba(174,114,49,1)
       642: (175,143,113,255) #AF8F71 srgba(175,143,113,1)
       507: (176,113, 11,255) #B0710B srgba(176,113,11,1)
       326: (176,175,180,255) #B0AFB4 srgba(176,175,180,1)
       527: (178,141, 82,255) #B28D52 srgba(178,141,82,1)
       501: (178,150,137,255) #B29689 srgba(178,150,137,1)
       105: (179,116,136,255) #B37488 srgba(179,116,136,1)
       325: (179,172,170,255) #B3ACAA srgba(179,172,170,1)
       354: (180,137, 50,255) #B48932 srgba(180,137,50,1)
       795: (180,179,180,255) #B4B3B4 srgba(180,179,180,1)
       347: (181,137, 15,255) #B5890F srgba(181,137,15,1)
       737: (182,178,172,255) #B6B2AC srgba(182,178,172,1)
       479: (183,152,103,255) #B79867 srgba(183,152,103,1)
       866: (183,182,185,255) #B7B6B9 srgba(183,182,185,1)
       346: (183,185,198,255) #B7B9C6 srgba(183,185,198,1)
       426: (184,167,144,255) #B8A790 srgba(184,167,144,1)
       576: (185,165,115,255) #B9A573 srgba(185,165,115,1)
       622: (187,186,188,255) #BBBABC srgba(187,186,188,1)
       528: (188,189,194,255) #BCBDC2 srgba(188,189,194,1)
       400: (189,194,204,255) #BDC2CC srgba(189,194,204,1)
      1162: (190,193,188,255) #BEC1BC srgba(190,193,188,1)
       189: (195,189,195,255) #C3BDC3 srgba(195,189,195,1)
       699: (195,194,196,255) #C3C2C4 srgba(195,194,196,1)
       531: (196,118, 20,255) #C47614 srgba(196,118,20,1)
       620: (197,197,202,255) #C5C5CA srgba(197,197,202,1)
       606: (198,152,109,255) #C6986D srgba(198,152,109,1)
       378: (198,187,185,255) #C6BBB9 srgba(198,187,185,1)
       688: (199,148, 80,255) #C79450 srgba(199,148,80,1)
       385: (199,169,136,255) #C7A988 srgba(199,169,136,1)
       388: (199,170,150,255) #C7AA96 srgba(199,170,150,1)
       335: (199,202,215,255) #C7CAD7 srgba(199,202,215,1)
       174: (200,120,140,255) #C8788C srgba(200,120,140,1)
       417: (200,144, 49,255) #C89031 srgba(200,144,49,1)
       314: (200,152,149,255) #C89895 srgba(200,152,149,1)
       437: (201,145, 11,255) #C9910B srgba(201,145,11,1)
       324: (201,183,168,255) #C9B7A8 srgba(201,183,168,1)
       301: (202,180,152,255) #CAB498 srgba(202,180,152,1)
       403: (202,198,199,255) #CAC6C7 srgba(202,198,199,1)
      1411: (203,202,204,255) #CBCACC srgba(203,202,204,1)
       253: (204,179,137,255) #CCB389 srgba(204,179,137,1)
       202: (204,210,226,255) #CCD2E2 srgba(204,210,226,1)
       509: (205,168, 16,255) #CDA810 srgba(205,168,16,1)
       565: (205,198,183,255) #CDC6B7 srgba(205,198,183,1)
       707: (205,205,210,255) #CDCDD2 srgba(205,205,210,1)
       562: (206,174, 81,255) #CEAE51 srgba(206,174,81,1)
       406: (206,179,176,255) #CEB3B0 srgba(206,179,176,1)
       585: (206,208,216,255) #CED0D8 srgba(206,208,216,1)
       430: (207,172, 47,255) #CFAC2F srgba(207,172,47,1)
       529: (207,175,113,255) #CFAF71 srgba(207,175,113,1)
       351: (207,184,199,255) #CFB8C7 srgba(207,184,199,1)
       330: (210,206,210,255) #D2CED2 srgba(210,206,210,1)
       510: (211,187,167,255) #D3BBA7 srgba(211,187,167,1)
      1349: (211,210,213,255) #D3D2D5 srgba(211,210,213,1)
       205: (212,194, 61,255) #D4C23D srgba(212,194,61,1)
       492: (213,183,136,255) #D5B788 srgba(213,183,136,1)
       513: (213,185,152,255) #D5B998 srgba(213,185,152,1)
       432: (213,203,199,255) #D5CBC7 srgba(213,203,199,1)
      1272: (213,213,218,255) #D5D5DA srgba(213,213,218,1)
       720: (215,199,184,255) #D7C7B8 srgba(215,199,184,1)
       422: (215,217,228,255) #D7D9E4 srgba(215,217,228,1)
       275: (216,197,146,255) #D8C592 srgba(216,197,146,1)
       261: (216,197,168,255) #D8C5A8 srgba(216,197,168,1)
       376: (217,214,217,255) #D9D6D9 srgba(217,214,217,1)
       256: (218,198,107,255) #DAC66B srgba(218,198,107,1)
      1455: (218,218,221,255) #DADADD srgba(218,218,221,1)
       520: (219,210,201,255) #DBD2C9 srgba(219,210,201,1)
       980: (221,221,226,255) #DDDDE2 srgba(221,221,226,1)
       829: (223,224,230,255) #DFE0E6 srgba(223,224,230,1)
       325: (224,223,227,255) #E0DFE3 srgba(224,223,227,1)
       516: (225,187,108,255) #E1BB6C srgba(225,187,108,1)
       574: (225,215,207,255) #E1D7CF srgba(225,215,207,1)
       463: (226,205,163,255) #E2CDA3 srgba(226,205,163,1)
      1860: (226,226,229,255) #E2E2E5 srgba(226,226,229,1)
      1729: (230,229,234,255) #E6E5EA srgba(230,229,234,1)
      1870: (231,232,235,255) #E7E8EB srgba(231,232,235,1)
       347: (231,233,242,255) #E7E9F2 srgba(231,233,242,1)
      1266: (232,231,236,255) #E8E7EC srgba(232,231,236,1)
      3735: (234,234,236,255) #EAEAEC srgba(234,234,236,1)
       497: (237,237,242,255) #EDEDF2 srgba(237,237,242,1)
       306: (239,239,245,255) #EFEFF5 srgba(239,239,245,1)
       529: (243,243,246,255) #F3F3F6 srgba(243,243,246,1)
  Colormap entries: 256
         0: (  3,  2,  3,255) #030203 srgba(3,2,3,1)
         1: (  9,  5,  6,255) #090506 srgba(9,5,6,1)
         2: ( 11,  9,  6,255) #0B0906 srgba(11,9,6,1)
         3: (  5,  4, 10,255) #05040A srgba(5,4,10,1)
         4: ( 10,  6, 10,255) #0A060A srgba(10,6,10,1)
         5: ( 12, 11, 12,255) #0C0B0C srgba(12,11,12,1)
         6: (  6,  9,  9,255) #060909 srgba(6,9,9,1)
         7: ( 17, 13, 13,255) #110D0D srgba(17,13,13,1)
         8: ( 22, 10,  7,255) #160A07 srgba(22,10,7,1)
         9: ( 14, 16, 13,255) #0E100D srgba(14,16,13,1)
        10: ( 19, 17, 14,255) #13110E srgba(19,17,14,1)
        11: ( 27, 19, 13,255) #1B130D srgba(27,19,13,1)
        12: ( 26, 21,  8,255) #1A1508 srgba(26,21,8,1)
        13: ( 13, 13, 17,255) #0D0D11 srgba(13,13,17,1)
        14: (  8,  8, 19,255) #080813 srgba(8,8,19,1)
        15: ( 18, 14, 17,255) #120E11 srgba(18,14,17,1)
        16: ( 25, 13, 20,255) #190D14 srgba(25,13,20,1)
        17: ( 14, 17, 19,255) #0E1113 srgba(14,17,19,1)
        18: ( 20, 19, 19,255) #141313 srgba(20,19,19,1)
        19: ( 26, 21, 20,255) #1A1514 srgba(26,21,20,1)
        20: ( 28, 25, 21,255) #1C1915 srgba(28,25,21,1)
        21: ( 21, 21, 25,255) #151519 srgba(21,21,25,1)
        22: ( 26, 22, 25,255) #1A1619 srgba(26,22,25,1)
        23: ( 28, 27, 27,255) #1C1B1B srgba(28,27,27,1)
        24: ( 22, 25, 24,255) #161918 srgba(22,25,24,1)
        25: ( 39, 11, 10,255) #270B0A srgba(39,11,10,1)
        26: ( 39, 22, 11,255) #27160B srgba(39,22,11,1)
        27: ( 54, 25, 10,255) #36190A srgba(54,25,10,1)
        28: ( 35, 27, 20,255) #231B14 srgba(35,27,20,1)
        29: ( 34, 29, 27,255) #221D1B srgba(34,29,27,1)
        30: ( 40, 24, 20,255) #281814 srgba(40,24,20,1)
        31: ( 54, 26, 20,255) #361A14 srgba(54,26,20,1)
        32: ( 51,  9, 13,255) #33090D srgba(51,9,13,1)
        33: ( 36, 34, 28,255) #24221C srgba(36,34,28,1)
        34: ( 42, 36, 26,255) #2A241A srgba(42,36,26,1)
        35: ( 55, 40, 24,255) #372818 srgba(55,40,24,1)
        36: ( 56, 40, 15,255) #38280F srgba(56,40,15,1)
        37: ( 27, 28, 34,255) #1B1C22 srgba(27,28,34,1)
        38: ( 14, 20, 43,255) #0E142B srgba(14,20,43,1)
        39: ( 35, 30, 34,255) #231E22 srgba(35,30,34,1)
        40: ( 53, 25, 41,255) #351929 srgba(53,25,41,1)
        41: ( 30, 34, 38,255) #1E2226 srgba(30,34,38,1)
        42: ( 36, 35, 35,255) #242323 srgba(36,35,35,1)
        43: ( 42, 37, 36,255) #2A2524 srgba(42,37,36,1)
        44: ( 44, 43, 43,255) #2C2B2B srgba(44,43,43,1)
        45: ( 41, 40, 39,255) #292827 srgba(41,40,39,1)
        46: ( 50, 45, 44,255) #322D2C srgba(50,45,44,1)
        47: ( 53, 43, 37,255) #352B25 srgba(53,43,37,1)
        48: ( 56, 51, 42,255) #38332A srgba(56,51,42,1)
        49: ( 43, 44, 51,255) #2B2C33 srgba(43,44,51,1)
        50: ( 51, 46, 51,255) #332E33 srgba(51,46,51,1)
        51: ( 52, 51, 51,255) #343333 srgba(52,51,51,1)
        52: ( 58, 53, 52,255) #3A3534 srgba(58,53,52,1)
        53: ( 60, 59, 59,255) #3C3B3B srgba(60,59,59,1)
        54: ( 57, 55, 56,255) #393738 srgba(57,55,56,1)
        55: ( 46, 49, 50,255) #2E3132 srgba(46,49,50,1)
        56: ( 30, 32, 27,255) #1E201B srgba(30,32,27,1)
        57: ( 88,  4,  6,255) #580406 srgba(88,4,6,1)
        58: ( 70, 26,  9,255) #461A09 srgba(70,26,9,1)
        59: ( 76, 16, 11,255) #4C100B srgba(76,16,11,1)
        60: (105,  3,  6,255) #690306 srgba(105,3,6,1)
        61: (119,  2,  7,255) #770207 srgba(119,2,7,1)
        62: (113, 22, 14,255) #71160E srgba(113,22,14,1)
        63: ( 71, 38, 10,255) #47260A srgba(71,38,10,1)
        64: ( 87, 39,  8,255) #572708 srgba(87,39,8,1)
        65: ( 71, 38, 20,255) #472614 srgba(71,38,20,1)
        66: ( 81, 50, 19,255) #513213 srgba(81,50,19,1)
        67: (103, 40,  7,255) #672807 srgba(103,40,7,1)
        68: (113, 49, 13,255) #71310D srgba(113,49,13,1)
        69: ( 69, 57, 39,255) #453927 srgba(69,57,39,1)
        70: ( 66, 61, 60,255) #423D3C srgba(66,61,60,1)
        71: ( 69, 59, 53,255) #453B35 srgba(69,59,53,1)
        72: ( 81, 49, 48,255) #513130 srgba(81,49,48,1)
        73: (109, 51, 45,255) #6D332D srgba(109,51,45,1)
        74: ( 95, 23, 39,255) #5F1727 srgba(95,23,39,1)
        75: (114, 76, 15,255) #724C0F srgba(114,76,15,1)
        76: ( 72, 67, 59,255) #48433B srgba(72,67,59,1)
        77: ( 86, 72, 57,255) #564839 srgba(86,72,57,1)
        78: ( 84, 72, 43,255) #54482B srgba(84,72,43,1)
        79: (110, 79, 53,255) #6E4F35 srgba(110,79,53,1)
        80: (106, 91, 26,255) #6A5B1A srgba(106,91,26,1)
        81: ( 60, 59, 67,255) #3C3B43 srgba(60,59,67,1)
        82: ( 46, 50, 77,255) #2E324D srgba(46,50,77,1)
        83: ( 31, 42, 80,255) #1F2A50 srgba(31,42,80,1)
        84: ( 67, 62, 66,255) #433E42 srgba(67,62,66,1)
        85: ( 85, 56, 70,255) #553846 srgba(85,56,70,1)
        86: (108, 58, 73,255) #6C3A49 srgba(108,58,73,1)
        87: ( 61, 66, 75,255) #3D424B srgba(61,66,75,1)
        88: ( 68, 67, 68,255) #444344 srgba(68,67,68,1)
        89: ( 74, 69, 68,255) #4A4544 srgba(74,69,68,1)
        90: ( 76, 74, 69,255) #4C4A45 srgba(76,74,69,1)
        91: ( 69, 69, 73,255) #454549 srgba(69,69,73,1)
        92: ( 74, 70, 74,255) #4A464A srgba(74,70,74,1)
        93: ( 76, 75, 75,255) #4C4B4B srgba(76,75,75,1)
        94: ( 70, 73, 72,255) #464948 srgba(70,73,72,1)
        95: ( 82, 77, 76,255) #524D4C srgba(82,77,76,1)
        96: ( 86, 74, 70,255) #564A46 srgba(86,74,70,1)
        97: ( 84, 82, 77,255) #54524D srgba(84,82,77,1)
        98: ( 90, 84, 75,255) #5A544B srgba(90,84,75,1)
        99: ( 77, 77, 82,255) #4D4D52 srgba(77,77,82,1)
       100: ( 71, 73, 86,255) #474956 srgba(71,73,86,1)
       101: ( 82, 78, 82,255) #524E52 srgba(82,78,82,1)
       102: ( 88, 77, 84,255) #584D54 srgba(88,77,84,1)
       103: ( 84, 83, 83,255) #545353 srgba(84,83,83,1)
       104: ( 90, 85, 83,255) #5A5553 srgba(90,85,83,1)
       105: ( 92, 90, 85,255) #5C5A55 srgba(92,90,85,1)
       106: ( 92, 91, 91,255) #5C5B5B srgba(92,91,91,1)
       107: ( 87, 85, 89,255) #575559 srgba(87,85,89,1)
       108: ( 78, 81, 80,255) #4E5150 srgba(78,81,80,1)
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       110: (102, 85, 74,255) #66554A srgba(102,85,74,1)
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       216: (205,198,183,255) #CDC6B7 srgba(205,198,183,1)
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       218: (188,189,194,255) #BCBDC2 srgba(188,189,194,1)
       219: (183,185,198,255) #B7B9C6 srgba(183,185,198,1)
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       221: (195,189,195,255) #C3BDC3 srgba(195,189,195,1)
       222: (207,184,199,255) #CFB8C7 srgba(207,184,199,1)
       223: (189,194,204,255) #BDC2CC srgba(189,194,204,1)
       224: (195,194,196,255) #C3C2C4 srgba(195,194,196,1)
       225: (197,197,202,255) #C5C5CA srgba(197,197,202,1)
       226: (203,202,204,255) #CBCACC srgba(203,202,204,1)
       227: (202,198,199,255) #CAC6C7 srgba(202,198,199,1)
       228: (213,203,199,255) #D5CBC7 srgba(213,203,199,1)
       229: (219,210,201,255) #DBD2C9 srgba(219,210,201,1)
       230: (205,205,210,255) #CDCDD2 srgba(205,205,210,1)
       231: (199,202,215,255) #C7CAD7 srgba(199,202,215,1)
       232: (210,206,210,255) #D2CED2 srgba(210,206,210,1)
       233: (211,210,213,255) #D3D2D5 srgba(211,210,213,1)
       234: (213,213,218,255) #D5D5DA srgba(213,213,218,1)
       235: (218,218,221,255) #DADADD srgba(218,218,221,1)
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       238: (225,215,207,255) #E1D7CF srgba(225,215,207,1)
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       756: ( 88, 77, 83) #584D53 srgb(88,77,83)
      1080: ( 90, 84, 75) #5A544B srgb(90,84,75)
       875: ( 90, 85, 83) #5A5553 srgb(90,85,83)
        68: ( 90, 97,137) #5A6189 srgb(90,97,137)
       410: ( 91, 91, 99) #5B5B63 srgb(91,91,99)
      2389: ( 92, 90, 85) #5C5A55 srgb(92,90,85)
       709: ( 92, 91, 91) #5C5B5B srgb(92,91,91)
       548: ( 93, 97,102) #5D6166 srgb(93,97,102)
       336: ( 94, 22, 39) #5E1627 srgb(94,22,39)
       642: ( 98, 93, 91) #625D5B srgb(98,93,91)
       777: (100, 90, 85) #645A55 srgb(100,90,85)
      1247: (100, 98, 92) #64625C srgb(100,98,92)
       631: (100, 99, 99) #646363 srgb(100,99,99)
       678: (101, 74, 70) #654A46 srgb(101,74,70)
       666: (101, 93,100) #655D64 srgb(101,93,100)
       580: (102, 85, 74) #66554A srgb(102,85,74)
       603: (104, 40,  7) #682807 srgb(104,40,7)
       788: (105,  3,  5) #690305 srgb(105,3,5)
       596: (105, 91, 24) #695B18 srgb(105,91,24)
      1039: (106,100, 91) #6A645B srgb(106,100,91)
      1190: (107,104,103) #6B6867 srgb(107,104,103)
       375: (109, 52, 46) #6D342E srgb(109,52,46)
       182: (109, 54, 73) #6D3649 srgb(109,54,73)
       649: (110, 79, 52) #6E4F34 srgb(110,79,52)
      1044: (110,108,116) #6E6C74 srgb(110,108,116)
       448: (112, 22, 13) #70160D srgb(112,22,13)
       738: (113, 49, 13) #71310D srgb(113,49,13)
       460: (113, 76, 14) #714C0E srgb(113,76,14)
       329: (115, 79, 78) #734F4E srgb(115,79,78)
      1120: (115,108,104) #736C68 srgb(115,108,104)
       722: (117,105, 81) #756951 srgb(117,105,81)
      1359: (119,  2,  6) #770206 srgb(119,2,6)
       572: (119,120,134) #777886 srgb(119,120,134)
       330: (120, 88, 70) #785846 srgb(120,88,70)
      1237: (120,115,108) #78736C srgb(120,115,108)
      1087: (122,119,118) #7A7776 srgb(122,119,118)
       219: (125,130,146) #7D8292 srgb(125,130,146)
       845: (127,129,116) #7F8174 srgb(127,129,116)
       723: (131,124,119) #837C77 srgb(131,124,119)
       353: (132,123,133) #847B85 srgb(132,123,133)
       940: (134,131,123) #86837B srgb(134,131,123)
      1423: (137,135,134) #898786 srgb(137,135,134)
       735: (139, 11,  9) #8B0B09 srgb(139,11,9)
       632: (139, 87, 71) #8B5747 srgb(139,87,71)
       527: (140,117,105) #8C7569 srgb(140,117,105)
       674: (141, 50, 13) #8D320D srgb(141,50,13)
       649: (141, 83, 52) #8D5334 srgb(141,83,52)
       643: (141,140,148) #8D8C94 srgb(141,140,148)
       186: (143,146,169) #8F92A9 srgb(143,146,169)
       338: (145, 48, 45) #91302D srgb(145,48,45)
       686: (145, 78, 13) #914E0D srgb(145,78,13)
       741: (145,109, 77) #916D4D srgb(145,109,77)
       743: (146,141,137) #928D89 srgb(146,141,137)
       519: (147,108, 12) #936C0C srgb(147,108,12)
       528: (147,108, 50) #936C32 srgb(147,108,50)
       755: (150,136,112) #968870 srgb(150,136,112)
      1069: (150,147,140) #96938C srgb(150,147,140)
      1489: (153,151,151) #999797 srgb(153,151,151)
       575: (155, 35, 30) #9B231E srgb(155,35,30)
       305: (155,155,164) #9B9BA4 srgb(155,155,164)
        64: (155,163,194) #9BA3C2 srgb(155,163,194)
       751: (158,161,167) #9EA1A7 srgb(158,161,167)
       399: (160,146, 28) #A0921C srgb(160,146,28)
       331: (162,156,154) #A29C9A srgb(162,156,154)
       253: (164,163,164) #A4A3A4 srgb(164,163,164)
      1083: (165,162,157) #A5A29D srgb(165,162,157)
       262: (166,156,165) #A69CA5 srgb(166,156,165)
       147: (168, 82, 92) #A8525C srgb(168,82,92)
       404: (168, 85, 44) #A8552C srgb(168,85,44)
       546: (168,166,168) #A8A6A8 srgb(168,166,168)
       629: (169,150, 82) #A99652 srgb(169,150,82)
       639: (170, 83, 13) #AA530D srgb(170,83,13)
       719: (171,116, 77) #AB744D srgb(171,116,77)
       701: (171,171,179) #ABABB3 srgb(171,171,179)
       435: (172,118,108) #AC766C srgb(172,118,108)
       916: (172,171,172) #ACABAC srgb(172,171,172)
       203: (173,179,199) #ADB3C7 srgb(173,179,199)
       200: (174, 76, 84) #AE4C54 srgb(174,76,84)
       736: (174,114, 49) #AE7231 srgb(174,114,49)
       622: (176,113, 11) #B0710B srgb(176,113,11)
       740: (176,145,111) #B0916F srgb(176,145,111)
        99: (177,117,138) #B1758A srgb(177,117,138)
       746: (177,141, 82) #B18D52 srgb(177,141,82)
       254: (177,175,180) #B1AFB4 srgb(177,175,180)
       549: (178,150,137) #B29689 srgb(178,150,137)
       428: (179,172,170) #B3ACAA srgb(179,172,170)
       348: (180,137, 51) #B48933 srgb(180,137,51)
       819: (180,179,180) #B4B3B4 srgb(180,179,180)
       351: (181,138, 15) #B58A0F srgb(181,138,15)
       715: (181,178,172) #B5B2AC srgb(181,178,172)
       685: (183,182,185) #B7B6B9 srgb(183,182,185)
       240: (183,185,198) #B7B9C6 srgb(183,185,198)
       462: (184,167,144) #B8A790 srgb(184,167,144)
       669: (186,165,115) #BAA573 srgb(186,165,115)
       971: (187,186,188) #BBBABC srgb(187,186,188)
       401: (188,189,194) #BCBDC2 srgb(188,189,194)
       920: (189,194,204) #BDC2CC srgb(189,194,204)
       812: (190,193,189) #BEC1BD srgb(190,193,189)
       278: (195,189,195) #C3BDC3 srgb(195,189,195)
       647: (195,194,196) #C3C2C4 srgb(195,194,196)
       510: (196,118, 20) #C47614 srgb(196,118,20)
       623: (198,152,110) #C6986E srgb(198,152,110)
       142: (199,120,140) #C7788C srgb(199,120,140)
       697: (199,148, 80) #C79450 srgb(199,148,80)
       378: (199,187,185) #C7BBB9 srgb(199,187,185)
       777: (199,198,201) #C7C6C9 srgb(199,198,201)
       252: (199,202,215) #C7CAD7 srgb(199,202,215)
       326: (200,144, 49) #C89031 srgb(200,144,49)
       398: (200,169,136) #C8A988 srgb(200,169,136)
       393: (200,174,144) #C8AE90 srgb(200,174,144)
       428: (201,145, 10) #C9910A srgb(201,145,10)
       300: (201,152,150) #C99896 srgb(201,152,150)
       291: (202,181,152) #CAB598 srgb(202,181,152)
       331: (202,183,168) #CAB7A8 srgb(202,183,168)
      1316: (203,202,205) #CBCACD srgb(203,202,205)
       287: (204,209,226) #CCD1E2 srgb(204,209,226)
       780: (205,199,182) #CDC7B6 srgb(205,199,182)
       844: (205,205,210) #CDCDD2 srgb(205,205,210)
       511: (206,168, 16) #CEA810 srgb(206,168,16)
       421: (206,179,177) #CEB3B1 srgb(206,179,177)
       687: (206,208,215) #CED0D7 srgb(206,208,215)
       346: (207,172, 47) #CFAC2F srgb(207,172,47)
       599: (207,175, 80) #CFAF50 srgb(207,175,80)
       565: (207,175,112) #CFAF70 srgb(207,175,112)
       235: (207,183,202) #CFB7CA srgb(207,183,202)
       364: (210,206,211) #D2CED3 srgb(210,206,211)
       513: (211,187,167) #D3BBA7 srgb(211,187,167)
      1715: (211,210,213) #D3D2D5 srgb(211,210,213)
       550: (213,184,136) #D5B888 srgb(213,184,136)
       457: (213,185,151) #D5B997 srgb(213,185,151)
       334: (213,202,200) #D5CAC8 srgb(213,202,200)
       183: (213,213,219) #D5D5DB srgb(213,213,219)
       133: (214,195, 55) #D6C337 srgb(214,195,55)
       512: (214,217,229) #D6D9E5 srgb(214,217,229)
       470: (215,199,184) #D7C7B8 srgb(215,199,184)
       330: (216,197,169) #D8C5A9 srgb(216,197,169)
       403: (216,198,147) #D8C693 srgb(216,198,147)
       192: (217,214,217) #D9D6D9 srgb(217,214,217)
       295: (218,198,108) #DAC66C srgb(218,198,108)
      2023: (218,218,221) #DADADD srgb(218,218,221)
       623: (219,211,201) #DBD3C9 srgb(219,211,201)
       797: (221,221,226) #DDDDE2 srgb(221,221,226)
       234: (224,185,193) #E0B9C1 srgb(224,185,193)
       499: (224,223,227) #E0DFE3 srgb(224,223,227)
      1087: (224,225,229) #E0E1E5 srgb(224,225,229)
       170: (225,175, 45) #E1AF2D srgb(225,175,45)
       469: (225,188,107) #E1BC6B srgb(225,188,107)
       555: (225,215,208) #E1D7D0 srgb(225,215,208)
       463: (226,205,163) #E2CDA3 srgb(226,205,163)
      1924: (226,226,229) #E2E2E5 srgb(226,226,229)
      1006: (230,229,234) #E6E5EA srgb(230,229,234)
      2044: (231,232,235) #E7E8EB srgb(231,232,235)
       401: (231,232,242) #E7E8F2 srgb(231,232,242)
       957: (232,231,236) #E8E7EC srgb(232,231,236)
      3196: (234,234,236) #EAEAEC srgb(234,234,236)
      1343: (236,236,242) #ECECF2 srgb(236,236,242)
       513: (240,240,245) #F0F0F5 srgb(240,240,245)
       862: (244,244,248) #F4F4F8 srgb(244,244,248)
  Colormap entries: 256
         0: (  1,  1,  1) #010101 srgb(1,1,1)
         1: ( 10,  5,  6) #0A0506 srgb(10,5,6)
         2: ( 11,  9,  6) #0B0906 srgb(11,9,6)
         3: (  5,  4, 10) #05040A srgb(5,4,10)
         4: ( 10,  6, 10) #0A060A srgb(10,6,10)
         5: ( 12, 11, 12) #0C0B0C srgb(12,11,12)
         6: (  6,  9,  9) #060909 srgb(6,9,9)
         7: ( 18, 13, 13) #120D0D srgb(18,13,13)
         8: ( 22, 10,  7) #160A07 srgb(22,10,7)
         9: ( 14, 17, 13) #0E110D srgb(14,17,13)
        10: ( 19, 17, 14) #13110E srgb(19,17,14)
        11: ( 26, 20, 11) #1A140B srgb(26,20,11)
        12: ( 13, 13, 17) #0D0D11 srgb(13,13,17)
        13: (  8,  8, 20) #080814 srgb(8,8,20)
        14: ( 18, 14, 17) #120E11 srgb(18,14,17)
        15: ( 24, 13, 20) #180D14 srgb(24,13,20)
        16: ( 14, 17, 19) #0E1113 srgb(14,17,19)
        17: ( 20, 19, 19) #141313 srgb(20,19,19)
        18: ( 26, 21, 20) #1A1514 srgb(26,21,20)
        19: ( 28, 25, 21) #1C1915 srgb(28,25,21)
        20: ( 21, 21, 25) #151519 srgb(21,21,25)
        21: ( 26, 22, 25) #1A1619 srgb(26,22,25)
        22: ( 28, 27, 27) #1C1B1B srgb(28,27,27)
        23: ( 22, 25, 24) #161918 srgb(22,25,24)
        24: ( 39, 11, 10) #270B0A srgb(39,11,10)
        25: ( 39, 22, 10) #27160A srgb(39,22,10)
        26: ( 55, 25, 10) #37190A srgb(55,25,10)
        27: ( 34, 27, 21) #221B15 srgb(34,27,21)
        28: ( 34, 29, 27) #221D1B srgb(34,29,27)
        29: ( 40, 23, 20) #281714 srgb(40,23,20)
        30: ( 54, 26, 20) #361A14 srgb(54,26,20)
        31: ( 52,  8, 12) #34080C srgb(52,8,12)
        32: ( 36, 34, 28) #24221C srgb(36,34,28)
        33: ( 42, 36, 26) #2A241A srgb(42,36,26)
        34: ( 55, 40, 24) #372818 srgb(55,40,24)
        35: ( 56, 41, 15) #38290F srgb(56,41,15)
        36: ( 27, 28, 35) #1B1C23 srgb(27,28,35)
        37: ( 15, 18, 42) #0F122A srgb(15,18,42)
        38: ( 35, 29, 34) #231D22 srgb(35,29,34)
        39: ( 53, 26, 42) #351A2A srgb(53,26,42)
        40: ( 30, 34, 39) #1E2227 srgb(30,34,39)
        41: ( 36, 35, 35) #242323 srgb(36,35,35)
        42: ( 42, 37, 36) #2A2524 srgb(42,37,36)
        43: ( 44, 43, 43) #2C2B2B srgb(44,43,43)
        44: ( 41, 40, 39) #292827 srgb(41,40,39)
        45: ( 51, 44, 40) #332C28 srgb(51,44,40)
        46: ( 56, 51, 42) #38332A srgb(56,51,42)
        47: ( 43, 44, 51) #2B2C33 srgb(43,44,51)
        48: ( 51, 45, 51) #332D33 srgb(51,45,51)
        49: ( 52, 51, 51) #343333 srgb(52,51,51)
        50: ( 58, 53, 52) #3A3534 srgb(58,53,52)
        51: ( 60, 59, 59) #3C3B3B srgb(60,59,59)
        52: ( 57, 55, 56) #393738 srgb(57,55,56)
        53: ( 46, 49, 50) #2E3132 srgb(46,49,50)
        54: ( 30, 33, 27) #1E211B srgb(30,33,27)
        55: ( 88,  4,  6) #580406 srgb(88,4,6)
        56: ( 70, 26,  9) #461A09 srgb(70,26,9)
        57: ( 77, 16, 11) #4D100B srgb(77,16,11)
        58: (105,  3,  5) #690305 srgb(105,3,5)
        59: (119,  2,  6) #770206 srgb(119,2,6)
        60: (112, 22, 13) #70160D srgb(112,22,13)
        61: ( 71, 38, 10) #47260A srgb(71,38,10)
        62: ( 88, 39,  7) #582707 srgb(88,39,7)
        63: ( 71, 38, 20) #472614 srgb(71,38,20)
        64: ( 81, 50, 20) #513214 srgb(81,50,20)
        65: (104, 40,  7) #682807 srgb(104,40,7)
        66: (113, 49, 13) #71310D srgb(113,49,13)
        67: ( 69, 57, 40) #453928 srgb(69,57,40)
        68: ( 66, 61, 60) #423D3C srgb(66,61,60)
        69: ( 69, 59, 53) #453B35 srgb(69,59,53)
        70: ( 82, 49, 48) #523130 srgb(82,49,48)
        71: (109, 52, 46) #6D342E srgb(109,52,46)
        72: ( 94, 22, 39) #5E1627 srgb(94,22,39)
        73: (113, 76, 14) #714C0E srgb(113,76,14)
        74: ( 72, 67, 59) #48433B srgb(72,67,59)
        75: ( 86, 72, 57) #564839 srgb(86,72,57)
        76: ( 84, 72, 43) #54482B srgb(84,72,43)
        77: (110, 79, 52) #6E4F34 srgb(110,79,52)
        78: (105, 91, 24) #695B18 srgb(105,91,24)
        79: ( 59, 59, 67) #3B3B43 srgb(59,59,67)
        80: ( 46, 49, 75) #2E314B srgb(46,49,75)
        81: ( 30, 41, 80) #1E2950 srgb(30,41,80)
        82: ( 67, 62, 66) #433E42 srgb(67,62,66)
        83: ( 85, 56, 71) #553847 srgb(85,56,71)
        84: (109, 54, 73) #6D3649 srgb(109,54,73)
        85: ( 62, 66, 75) #3E424B srgb(62,66,75)
        86: ( 68, 67, 68) #444344 srgb(68,67,68)
        87: ( 74, 69, 68) #4A4544 srgb(74,69,68)
        88: ( 76, 74, 69) #4C4A45 srgb(76,74,69)
        89: ( 69, 69, 74) #45454A srgb(69,69,74)
        90: ( 74, 70, 74) #4A464A srgb(74,70,74)
        91: ( 76, 75, 75) #4C4B4B srgb(76,75,75)
        92: ( 70, 73, 72) #464948 srgb(70,73,72)
        93: ( 82, 77, 76) #524D4C srgb(82,77,76)
        94: ( 86, 74, 70) #564A46 srgb(86,74,70)
        95: ( 83, 82, 77) #53524D srgb(83,82,77)
        96: ( 90, 84, 75) #5A544B srgb(90,84,75)
        97: ( 77, 77, 82) #4D4D52 srgb(77,77,82)
        98: ( 72, 73, 86) #484956 srgb(72,73,86)
        99: ( 82, 78, 82) #524E52 srgb(82,78,82)
       100: ( 88, 77, 83) #584D53 srgb(88,77,83)
       101: ( 84, 83, 83) #545353 srgb(84,83,83)
       102: ( 90, 85, 83) #5A5553 srgb(90,85,83)
       103: ( 92, 90, 85) #5C5A55 srgb(92,90,85)
       104: ( 92, 91, 91) #5C5B5B srgb(92,91,91)
       105: ( 87, 85, 90) #57555A srgb(87,85,90)
       106: ( 78, 81, 80) #4E5150 srgb(78,81,80)
       107: (101, 74, 70) #654A46 srgb(101,74,70)
       108: (102, 85, 74) #66554A srgb(102,85,74)
       109: (120, 88, 70) #785846 srgb(120,88,70)
       110: ( 98, 93, 91) #625D5B srgb(98,93,91)
       111: (100, 90, 85) #645A55 srgb(100,90,85)
       112: (115, 79, 78) #734F4E srgb(115,79,78)
       113: (100, 98, 92) #64625C srgb(100,98,92)
       114: (106,100, 91) #6A645B srgb(106,100,91)
       115: (117,105, 81) #756951 srgb(117,105,81)
       116: ( 91, 91, 99) #5B5B63 srgb(91,91,99)
       117: ( 78, 83,108) #4E536C srgb(78,83,108)
       118: (101, 93,100) #655D64 srgb(101,93,100)
       119: (100, 99, 99) #646363 srgb(100,99,99)
       120: (107,104,103) #6B6867 srgb(107,104,103)
       121: (115,108,104) #736C68 srgb(115,108,104)
       122: (120,115,108) #78736C srgb(120,115,108)
       123: (122,119,118) #7A7776 srgb(122,119,118)
       124: (110,108,116) #6E6C74 srgb(110,108,116)
       125: ( 93, 97,102) #5D6166 srgb(93,97,102)
       126: ( 62, 65, 60) #3E413C srgb(62,65,60)
       127: (139, 11,  9) #8B0B09 srgb(139,11,9)
       128: (141, 50, 13) #8D320D srgb(141,50,13)
       129: (145, 48, 45) #91302D srgb(145,48,45)
       130: (155, 35, 30) #9B231E srgb(155,35,30)
       131: (145, 78, 13) #914E0D srgb(145,78,13)
       132: (170, 83, 13) #AA530D srgb(170,83,13)
       133: (147,108, 12) #936C0C srgb(147,108,12)
       134: (176,113, 11) #B0710B srgb(176,113,11)
       135: (141, 83, 52) #8D5334 srgb(141,83,52)
       136: (147,108, 50) #936C32 srgb(147,108,50)
       137: (174,114, 49) #AE7231 srgb(174,114,49)
       138: (168, 85, 44) #A8552C srgb(168,85,44)
       139: (196,118, 20) #C47614 srgb(196,118,20)
       140: (139, 87, 71) #8B5747 srgb(139,87,71)
       141: (145,109, 77) #916D4D srgb(145,109,77)
       142: (171,116, 77) #AB744D srgb(171,116,77)
       143: (131,124,119) #837C77 srgb(131,124,119)
       144: (140,117,105) #8C7569 srgb(140,117,105)
       145: (172,118,108) #AC766C srgb(172,118,108)
       146: (168, 82, 92) #A8525C srgb(168,82,92)
       147: (174, 76, 84) #AE4C54 srgb(174,76,84)
       148: (181,138, 15) #B58A0F srgb(181,138,15)
       149: (180,137, 51) #B48933 srgb(180,137,51)
       150: (160,146, 28) #A0921C srgb(160,146,28)
       151: (201,145, 10) #C9910A srgb(201,145,10)
       152: (206,168, 16) #CEA810 srgb(206,168,16)
       153: (200,144, 49) #C89031 srgb(200,144,49)
       154: (207,172, 47) #CFAC2F srgb(207,172,47)
       155: (225,175, 45) #E1AF2D srgb(225,175,45)
       156: (177,141, 82) #B18D52 srgb(177,141,82)
       157: (134,131,123) #86837B srgb(134,131,123)
       158: (150,136,112) #968870 srgb(150,136,112)
       159: (176,145,111) #B0916F srgb(176,145,111)
       160: (186,165,115) #BAA573 srgb(186,165,115)
       161: (169,150, 82) #A99652 srgb(169,150,82)
       162: (199,148, 80) #C79450 srgb(199,148,80)
       163: (207,175, 80) #CFAF50 srgb(207,175,80)
       164: (198,152,110) #C6986E srgb(198,152,110)
       165: (207,175,112) #CFAF70 srgb(207,175,112)
       166: (225,188,107) #E1BC6B srgb(225,188,107)
       167: (218,198,108) #DAC66C srgb(218,198,108)
       168: (214,195, 55) #D6C337 srgb(214,195,55)
       169: (119,120,134) #777886 srgb(119,120,134)
       170: ( 90, 97,137) #5A6189 srgb(90,97,137)
       171: (132,123,133) #847B85 srgb(132,123,133)
       172: (177,117,138) #B1758A srgb(177,117,138)
       173: (199,120,140) #C7788C srgb(199,120,140)
       174: (125,130,146) #7D8292 srgb(125,130,146)
       175: (137,135,134) #898786 srgb(137,135,134)
       176: (146,141,137) #928D89 srgb(146,141,137)
       177: (150,147,140) #96938C srgb(150,147,140)
       178: (153,151,151) #999797 srgb(153,151,151)
       179: (141,140,148) #8D8C94 srgb(141,140,148)
       180: (162,156,154) #A29C9A srgb(162,156,154)
       181: (178,150,137) #B29689 srgb(178,150,137)
       182: (165,162,157) #A5A29D srgb(165,162,157)
       183: (184,167,144) #B8A790 srgb(184,167,144)
       184: (155,155,164) #9B9BA4 srgb(155,155,164)
       185: (143,146,169) #8F92A9 srgb(143,146,169)
       186: (166,156,165) #A69CA5 srgb(166,156,165)
       187: (164,163,164) #A4A3A4 srgb(164,163,164)
       188: (172,171,172) #ACABAC srgb(172,171,172)
       189: (168,166,168) #A8A6A8 srgb(168,166,168)
       190: (179,172,170) #B3ACAA srgb(179,172,170)
       191: (181,178,172) #B5B2AC srgb(181,178,172)
       192: (171,171,179) #ABABB3 srgb(171,171,179)
       193: (180,179,180) #B4B3B4 srgb(180,179,180)
       194: (187,186,188) #BBBABC srgb(187,186,188)
       195: (183,182,185) #B7B6B9 srgb(183,182,185)
       196: (177,175,180) #B1AFB4 srgb(177,175,180)
       197: (158,161,167) #9EA1A7 srgb(158,161,167)
       198: (200,169,136) #C8A988 srgb(200,169,136)
       199: (213,184,136) #D5B888 srgb(213,184,136)
       200: (202,181,152) #CAB598 srgb(202,181,152)
       201: (213,185,151) #D5B997 srgb(213,185,151)
       202: (200,174,144) #C8AE90 srgb(200,174,144)
       203: (202,183,168) #CAB7A8 srgb(202,183,168)
       204: (211,187,167) #D3BBA7 srgb(211,187,167)
       205: (199,187,185) #C7BBB9 srgb(199,187,185)
       206: (206,179,177) #CEB3B1 srgb(206,179,177)
       207: (201,152,150) #C99896 srgb(201,152,150)
       208: (216,198,147) #D8C693 srgb(216,198,147)
       209: (216,197,169) #D8C5A9 srgb(216,197,169)
       210: (215,199,184) #D7C7B8 srgb(215,199,184)
       211: (205,199,182) #CDC7B6 srgb(205,199,182)
       212: (226,205,163) #E2CDA3 srgb(226,205,163)
       213: (188,189,194) #BCBDC2 srgb(188,189,194)
       214: (183,185,198) #B7B9C6 srgb(183,185,198)
       215: (173,179,199) #ADB3C7 srgb(173,179,199)
       216: (155,163,194) #9BA3C2 srgb(155,163,194)
       217: (195,189,195) #C3BDC3 srgb(195,189,195)
       218: (207,183,202) #CFB7CA srgb(207,183,202)
       219: (224,185,193) #E0B9C1 srgb(224,185,193)
       220: (189,194,204) #BDC2CC srgb(189,194,204)
       221: (195,194,196) #C3C2C4 srgb(195,194,196)
       222: (203,202,205) #CBCACD srgb(203,202,205)
       223: (199,198,201) #C7C6C9 srgb(199,198,201)
       224: (213,202,200) #D5CAC8 srgb(213,202,200)
       225: (219,211,201) #DBD3C9 srgb(219,211,201)
       226: (205,205,210) #CDCDD2 srgb(205,205,210)
       227: (199,202,215) #C7CAD7 srgb(199,202,215)
       228: (210,206,211) #D2CED3 srgb(210,206,211)
       229: (211,210,213) #D3D2D5 srgb(211,210,213)
       230: (213,213,219) #D5D5DB srgb(213,213,219)
       231: (218,218,221) #DADADD srgb(218,218,221)
       232: (217,214,217) #D9D6D9 srgb(217,214,217)
       233: (206,208,215) #CED0D7 srgb(206,208,215)
       234: (225,215,208) #E1D7D0 srgb(225,215,208)
       235: (221,221,226) #DDDDE2 srgb(221,221,226)
       236: (214,217,229) #D6D9E5 srgb(214,217,229)
       237: (204,209,226) #CCD1E2 srgb(204,209,226)
       238: (224,223,227) #E0DFE3 srgb(224,223,227)
       239: (226,226,229) #E2E2E5 srgb(226,226,229)
       240: (230,229,234) #E6E5EA srgb(230,229,234)
       241: (232,231,236) #E8E7EC srgb(232,231,236)
       242: (234,234,236) #EAEAEC srgb(234,234,236)
       243: (231,232,235) #E7E8EB srgb(231,232,235)
       244: (236,236,242) #ECECF2 srgb(236,236,242)
       245: (231,232,242) #E7E8F2 srgb(231,232,242)
       246: (244,244,248) #F4F4F8 srgb(244,244,248)
       247: (240,240,245) #F0F0F5 srgb(240,240,245)
       248: (224,225,229) #E0E1E5 srgb(224,225,229)
       249: (190,193,189) #BEC1BD srgb(190,193,189)
       250: (127,129,116) #7F8174 srgb(127,129,116)
       251: (  0,  0,  0) #000000 black
       252: (  0,  0,  0) #000000 black
       253: (  0,  0,  0) #000000 black
       254: (  0,  0,  0) #000000 black
       255: (  0,  0,  0) #000000 black
  Rendering intent: Perceptual
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    red primary: (0.64,0.33)
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    white point: (0.3127,0.329)
  Background color: srgb(1,1,1)
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    date:create: 2014-01-14T13:45:18-05:00
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    signature: eaad362bfa01978969ef6bf0884515b4e60f5b144369cbfa1e4d8bd742d13d04
    filename: x-6.8.gif
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  Version: ImageMagick 6.8.8-2 Q16 x86_64 2014-01-13
The incorrectly converted image - IM 6.8.8 - has Transparent color: black. The properly converted GIF image - IM 6.7.7 - with transparent background has an additional 1-bit alpha channel, Type: PaletteAlpha, and Transparent color: none.

Re: Possible bug for clip with trim (OS X 10.9)

Posted: 2014-01-14T12:04:48-07:00
by fmw42
Your command works fine for me on IM Q16 Mac OSX Snow Leopard. I get a transparent background and not black.

convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.8.8-2 Q16 x86_64 2014-01-13
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: DPC Modules
Delegates: bzlib cairo fftw fontconfig freetype gslib jbig jng jpeg lcms lqr ltdl lzma openexr png ps rsvg tiff webp x xml zlib

Are you using a current version of libtiff?

Mine is

convert -list format

TIFF* TIFF rw+ Tagged Image File Format (LIBTIFF, Version 4.0.3)

Re: Possible bug for clip with trim (OS X 10.9)

Posted: 2014-01-14T13:43:08-07:00
by uli
Please feel free to mark this issue as resolved, the trick was to add the librsvg port from Macports and I now get the desired transparent background GIF image for the same IM command as above.

Thanks a lot for your help!

Mac OS X 10.9.1, Xcode 5.0.2, Macports 2.2.1
modified ImageMagick Portfile for IM 6.8.8-2 (see also viewtopic.php?f=3&t=24752)
sudo port install librsvg
sudo port install ImageMagick +rsvg

convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.8.8-2 Q16 x86_64 2014-01-14
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: DPC Modules
Delegates: bzlib cairo djvu fftw fontconfig freetype gslib jng jpeg lcms lqr ltdl lzma png ps rsvg tiff webp xml zlib