possible bug JPG,PNG type=truecolor grayscale IM Q16
Posted: 2014-01-15T18:17:40-07:00
This is a follow up to viewtopic.php?f=2&t=24801
IM Q16 Mac OSX Snow Leopard
I did a test with -colorspace grayscale -type truecolor for jpg and png. It seems that Exiftool does not recognize the 3 channels.
Perhaps other format specific tools will know the difference.
Do I misunderstand what to expect or have I made an error in this?
convert rose: -colorspace gray -type truecolor rose_gray.jpg
Fred-Weinhauss-Mac-mini:desktop fred$ exiftool -s -ee -g1 -u -n -D rose_gray.jpg---- ExifTool ----
- ExifToolVersion : 8.71
---- System ----
- FileName : rose_gray.jpg
- BitsPerSample : 8
- ColorComponents : 1
---- Composite ----
- ImageSize : 70x46
convert rose: -colorspace gray -type truecolor rose_gray.png
Fred-Weinhauss-Mac-mini:desktop fred$ exiftool -s -ee -g1 -u -n -D rose_gray.png---- ExifTool ----
- ExifToolVersion : 8.71
---- System ----
- FileName : rose_gray.png
0 ImageWidth : 70
4 ImageHeight : 46
8 BitDepth : 8
9 ColorType : 0
Also for PNG, the png data from identify -verbose still shows grayscale.
png:IHDR.bit-depth-orig: 8
png:IHDR.bit_depth: 8
png:IHDR.color-type-orig: 0
png:IHDR.color_type: 0 (Grayscale)
IM Q16 Mac OSX Snow Leopard
I did a test with -colorspace grayscale -type truecolor for jpg and png. It seems that Exiftool does not recognize the 3 channels.
Perhaps other format specific tools will know the difference.
Do I misunderstand what to expect or have I made an error in this?
convert rose: -colorspace gray -type truecolor rose_gray.jpg
Fred-Weinhauss-Mac-mini:desktop fred$ exiftool -s -ee -g1 -u -n -D rose_gray.jpg---- ExifTool ----
- ExifToolVersion : 8.71
---- System ----
- FileName : rose_gray.jpg
- BitsPerSample : 8
- ColorComponents : 1
---- Composite ----
- ImageSize : 70x46
convert rose: -colorspace gray -type truecolor rose_gray.png
Fred-Weinhauss-Mac-mini:desktop fred$ exiftool -s -ee -g1 -u -n -D rose_gray.png---- ExifTool ----
- ExifToolVersion : 8.71
---- System ----
- FileName : rose_gray.png
0 ImageWidth : 70
4 ImageHeight : 46
8 BitDepth : 8
9 ColorType : 0
Also for PNG, the png data from identify -verbose still shows grayscale.
png:IHDR.bit-depth-orig: 8
png:IHDR.bit_depth: 8
png:IHDR.color-type-orig: 0
png:IHDR.color_type: 0 (Grayscale)