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Converting any image to EPS-CMYK produces distorted files

Posted: 2014-01-28T22:54:39-07:00
by Carter J
Might be a bug, so posting here

In continuation to the thread here -> viewtopic.php?f=1&t=24877

ImageMagick Version - 6.8.7-4 2013-10-26/ Q16 x64 (Tried with both IM versions)
OS - Windows7 Professional, 64 bit
Ghost Script Version - 9.05/9.10 (Tried with both versions of Ghost Script)

Issue:- Converting any file to EPS-CMYK is resulting in fuzzy and distorted images

Tried with different input images such as

In all the cases the output EPS-CMYK produced is bad

Attached one sample test case

Input File -> JPEG-CMYK ... CMYK_1.jpg

Output EPS-CMYK produced from IM

Please help, is this is a known issue to generate EPS-CMYK with ImageMagick ?

Re: Converting any image to EPS-CMYK produces distorted file

Posted: 2014-01-28T23:21:49-07:00
by fmw42
To help the IM developers, please post your exact command line also.

Re: Converting any image to EPS-CMYK produces distorted file

Posted: 2014-01-28T23:59:28-07:00
by Carter J
fmw42 wrote:To help the IM developers, please post your exact command line also.
Ok, here we go

C:\Users\carter.j\Desktop>convert -alpha off Carter_CMYK_1.jpg -profile USWebCoatedSWOP.icc Carter_CMYK_1.eps

C:\Users\carter.j\Desktop>convert -alpha off Carter_CMYK_1.jpg -profile USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -profile USWebCoatedSWOP.icc Carter_CMYK_1.eps

C:\Users\carter.j\Desktop>convert -alpha off -strip Carter_CMYK_1.jpg -profile USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -profile USWebCoatedSWOP.icc Carter_CMYK_1.eps

C:\Users\carter.j\Desktop>convert -alpha off -strip Carter_CMYK_1.jpg -profile USWebCoatedSWOP.icc Carter_CMYK_1.eps

C:\Users\carter.j\Desktop>convert Carter_CMYK_1.jpg Carter_CMYK_1.eps

I tried lot other combinations too, but none seems to be working. Above posted are few of the command line that I tried

Re: Converting any image to EPS-CMYK produces distorted file

Posted: 2014-01-29T10:33:33-07:00
by fmw42
I can confirm with the following test. The image is labeled sRGB palettealpha and no profile is attached.

# convert logo using profiles to CMYK EPS
convert logo: -profile /Users/fred/images/Profiles/sRGB.icc -profile /Users/fred/images/Profiles/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -alpha off logo2.eps

identify -verbose logo2.eps

Code: Select all

Image: logo2.eps
  Format: PS (PostScript)
  Mime type: application/postscript
  Class: DirectClass
  Geometry: 640x480+0+0
  Resolution: 72x72
  Print size: 8.88889x6.66667
  Units: Undefined
  Type: PaletteAlpha
  Endianess: Undefined
  Colorspace: sRGB
  Depth: 16/8-bit
  Channel depth:
    red: 8-bit
    green: 8-bit
    blue: 8-bit
    alpha: 1-bit
  Channel statistics:
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 65535 (1)
      mean: 6699.49 (0.102228)
      standard deviation: 18232.2 (0.278206)
      kurtosis: 4.98999
      skewness: 2.57759
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 65535 (1)
      mean: 7394.12 (0.112827)
      standard deviation: 18458.6 (0.28166)
      kurtosis: 3.59818
      skewness: 2.29336
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 65535 (1)
      mean: 4815.57 (0.0734809)
      standard deviation: 13447.3 (0.205193)
      kurtosis: 8.52331
      skewness: 3.0565
      min: 65535 (1)
      max: 65535 (1)
      mean: 65535 (1)
      standard deviation: 0 (0)
      kurtosis: 0
      skewness: 0
  Image statistics:
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 65535 (1)
      mean: 4727.3 (0.0721339)
      standard deviation: 14611.3 (0.222955)
      kurtosis: 9.77067
      skewness: 3.37721
  Colors: 256
    256244: (    0,    0,    0,65535) #000000000000 black
       125: (    0, 4883, 1799,65535) #000013130707 srgba(0,19,7,1)
       105: (    0,10280, 4626,65535) #000028281212 srgba(0,40,18,1)
        84: (    0,15420, 7196,65535) #00003C3C1C1C srgba(0,60,28,1)
       142: (    0,20817,10537,65535) #000051512929 srgba(0,81,41,1)
        59: (    0,26214,14135,65535) #000066663737 srgba(0,102,55,1)
        88: (    0,31611,17990,65535) #00007B7B4646 srgba(0,123,70,1)
        55: (    0,37008,22359,65535) #000090905757 srgba(0,144,87,1)
       109: (    0,41891,27499,65535) #0000A3A36B6B srgba(0,163,107,1)
        51: (    0,46517,32125,65535) #0000B5B57D7D srgba(0,181,125,1)
       107: (    0,51143,38293,65535) #0000C7C79595 srgba(0,199,149,1)
        62: (    0,54741,44204,65535) #0000D5D5ACAC srgba(0,213,172,1)
       130: (    0,58082,50372,65535) #0000E2E2C4C4 srgba(0,226,196,1)
        78: (    0,60909,56797,65535) #0000EDEDDDDD srgba(0,237,221,1)
        95: (    0,63222,61937,65535) #0000F6F6F1F1 srgba(0,246,241,1)
       118: (    0,64250,65535,65535) #0000FAFAFFFF srgba(0,250,255,1)
      2942: (    0,65278,65535,65535) #0000FEFEFFFF srgba(0,254,255,1)
        14: (  257, 1028, 8995,65535) #010104042323 srgba(1,4,35,1)
        31: (  514, 1542,14135,65535) #020206063737 srgba(2,6,55,1)
       139: (  771,  771, 2570,65535) #030303030A0A srgba(3,3,10,1)
         9: (  771, 2570,19275,65535) #03030A0A4B4B srgba(3,10,75,1)
        31: ( 1285, 3084,23644,65535) #05050C0C5C5C srgba(5,12,92,1)
        23: ( 1285, 3855,28784,65535) #05050F0F7070 srgba(5,15,112,1)
       315: ( 1799, 1542, 1542,65535) #070706060606 srgba(7,6,6,1)
      1603: ( 1799,32639,41120,65535) #07077F7FA0A0 srgba(7,127,160,1)
        93: ( 1799,33667,42405,65535) #07078383A5A5 srgba(7,131,165,1)
        33: ( 2056, 5140,36494,65535) #080814148E8E srgba(8,20,142,1)
        90: ( 2056,27756,56797,65535) #08086C6CDDDD srgba(8,108,221,1)
       104: ( 2056,32639,41377,65535) #08087F7FA1A1 srgba(8,127,161,1)
        56: ( 2313,34952,44461,65535) #09098888ADAD srgba(9,136,173,1)
        37: ( 2570, 6682,44718,65535) #0A0A1A1AAEAE srgba(10,26,174,1)
        43: ( 2570, 8481,52171,65535) #0A0A2121CBCB srgba(10,33,203,1)
       206: ( 2570,13107,62194,65535) #0A0A3333F2F2 srgba(10,51,242,1)
       129: ( 2827, 2313, 2313,65535) #0B0B09090909 srgba(11,9,9,1)
       107: ( 2827, 2570, 2313,65535) #0B0B0A0A0909 srgba(11,10,9,1)
        42: ( 2827,12079,61166,65535) #0B0B2F2FEEEE srgba(11,47,238,1)
        87: ( 2827,20046,57054,65535) #0B0B4E4EDEDE srgba(11,78,222,1)
        55: ( 2827,36494,46003,65535) #0B0B8E8EB3B3 srgba(11,142,179,1)
       318: ( 3341, 3084, 2570,65535) #0D0D0C0C0A0A srgba(13,12,10,1)
        96: ( 3341,14392,56540,65535) #0D0D3838DCDC srgba(13,56,220,1)
       206: ( 3855,63993,63993,65535) #0F0FF9F9F9F9 srgba(15,249,249,1)
         6: ( 4369, 4112,57311,65535) #11111010DFDF srgba(17,16,223,1)
        22: ( 4369, 4883,57311,65535) #11111313DFDF srgba(17,19,223,1)
        77: ( 4369, 8224,56540,65535) #11112020DCDC srgba(17,32,220,1)
        60: ( 4626,10023,56797,65535) #12122727DDDD srgba(18,39,221,1)
        53: ( 4626,38036,48059,65535) #12129494BBBB srgba(18,148,187,1)
       210: ( 4883, 4369, 3855,65535) #131311110F0F srgba(19,17,15,1)
        91: ( 5911, 3855,56540,65535) #17170F0FDCDC srgba(23,15,220,1)
        13: ( 5911,30583,58082,65535) #17177777E2E2 srgba(23,119,226,1)
        30: ( 5911,39578,49601,65535) #17179A9AC1C1 srgba(23,154,193,1)
        84: ( 6168, 5397, 4883,65535) #181815151313 srgba(24,21,19,1)
        58: ( 6168,34438,43176,65535) #18188686A8A8 srgba(24,134,168,1)
      1468: ( 6425,  514,56283,65535) #19190202DBDB srgba(25,2,219,1)
        20: ( 6425,10023,58853,65535) #19192727E5E5 srgba(25,39,229,1)
       159: ( 7196, 5654, 5397,65535) #1C1C16161515 srgba(28,22,21,1)
       141: ( 7196,40863,51400,65535) #1C1C9F9FC8C8 srgba(28,159,200,1)
       305: ( 7453, 5654, 5654,65535) #1D1D16161616 srgba(29,22,22,1)
        30: ( 7710,21074,58596,65535) #1E1E5252E4E4 srgba(30,82,228,1)
        73: ( 8224, 6425, 6425,65535) #202019191919 srgba(32,25,25,1)
        49: ( 8481,42405,53456,65535) #2121A5A5D0D0 srgba(33,165,208,1)
        98: ( 9252, 7196, 7196,65535) #24241C1C1C1C srgba(36,28,28,1)
        52: ( 9252,43690,55255,65535) #2424AAAAD7D7 srgba(36,170,215,1)
       174: ( 9509, 7453, 7453,65535) #25251D1D1D1D srgba(37,29,29,1)
       119: ( 9766, 2827,56797,65535) #26260B0BDDDD srgba(38,11,221,1)
        11: ( 9766,64507,63479,65535) #2626FBFBF7F7 srgba(38,251,247,1)
        63: (10023,44975,57054,65535) #2727AFAFDEDE srgba(39,175,222,1)
        49: (10280, 3598,58596,65535) #28280E0EE4E4 srgba(40,14,228,1)
        67: (10537,46003,58596,65535) #2929B3B3E4E4 srgba(41,179,228,1)
        95: (10794, 8738, 8481,65535) #2A2A22222121 srgba(42,34,33,1)
        45: (10794,34438,47802,65535) #2A2A8686BABA srgba(42,134,186,1)
        89: (10794,46517,58853,65535) #2A2AB5B5E5E5 srgba(42,181,229,1)
       118: (10794,64764,62965,65535) #2A2AFCFCF5F5 srgba(42,252,245,1)
       173: (11051,46517,59110,65535) #2B2BB5B5E6E6 srgba(43,181,230,1)
        14: (11051,64764,64507,65535) #2B2BFCFCFBFB srgba(43,252,251,1)
       179: (11565, 9252, 8738,65535) #2D2D24242222 srgba(45,36,34,1)
       213: (11822, 9252, 9252,65535) #2E2E24242424 srgba(46,36,36,1)
        35: (12336,31097,60395,65535) #30307979EBEB srgba(48,121,235,1)
        11: (12336,64764,63479,65535) #3030FCFCF7F7 srgba(48,252,247,1)
       130: (12593,10537, 9766,65535) #313129292626 srgba(49,41,38,1)
         2: (12593,11308,56797,65535) #31312C2CDDDD srgba(49,44,221,1)
        57: (12850, 5140,56540,65535) #32321414DCDC srgba(50,20,220,1)
        47: (13107,37779,46774,65535) #33339393B6B6 srgba(51,147,182,1)
         4: (13107,42405,52685,65535) #3333A5A5CDCD srgba(51,165,205,1)
        16: (13107,46517,59367,65535) #3333B5B5E7E7 srgba(51,181,231,1)
        19: (13364,64764,64507,65535) #3434FCFCFBFB srgba(52,252,251,1)
        40: (13878, 6939,60138,65535) #36361B1BEAEA srgba(54,27,234,1)
        98: (13878,11051,10537,65535) #36362B2B2929 srgba(54,43,41,1)
        30: (14135,20046,59367,65535) #37374E4EE7E7 srgba(55,78,231,1)
        93: (14392,11565,10537,65535) #38382D2D2929 srgba(56,45,41,1)
         2: (15163,35209,60652,65535) #3B3B8989ECEC srgba(59,137,236,1)
        27: (15163,65021,63993,65535) #3B3BFDFDF9F9 srgba(59,253,249,1)
        19: (15163,65535,65535,65535) #3B3BFFFFFFFF srgba(59,255,255,1)
       112: (15677,12593,12336,65535) #3D3D31313030 srgba(61,49,48,1)
        62: (15934,39064,48059,65535) #3E3E9898BBBB srgba(62,152,187,1)
       284: (16191,13107,12079,65535) #3F3F33332F2F srgba(63,51,47,1)
        29: (16448,47545,60395,65535) #4040B9B9EBEB srgba(64,185,235,1)
        76: (16705, 7710,56797,65535) #41411E1EDDDD srgba(65,30,221,1)
       404: (16705,13621,12593,65535) #414135353131 srgba(65,53,49,1)
        11: (16705,40092,59881,65535) #41419C9CE9E9 srgba(65,156,233,1)
        29: (17219,10794,62708,65535) #43432A2AF4F4 srgba(67,42,244,1)
        37: (17476,65021,64250,65535) #4444FDFDFAFA srgba(68,253,250,1)
        62: (17733,14392,13878,65535) #454538383636 srgba(69,56,54,1)
        33: (17733,17476,56283,65535) #45454444DBDB srgba(69,68,219,1)
        47: (18247,39321,50629,65535) #47479999C5C5 srgba(71,153,197,1)
        50: (18504,15163,14392,65535) #48483B3B3838 srgba(72,59,56,1)
        28: (19018,65535,63993,65535) #4A4AFFFFF9F9 srgba(74,255,249,1)
       126: (19275,15677,14906,65535) #4B4B3D3D3A3A srgba(75,61,58,1)
        50: (19789,10280,55512,65535) #4D4D2828D8D8 srgba(77,40,216,1)
        31: (20046,65021,64250,65535) #4E4EFDFDFAFA srgba(78,253,250,1)
        80: (20303,16191,16448,65535) #4F4F3F3F4040 srgba(79,63,64,1)
         5: (20303,26214,65021,65535) #4F4F6666FDFD srgba(79,102,253,1)
        26: (20560,27499,53970,65535) #50506B6BD2D2 srgba(80,107,210,1)
        52: (20817,41120,50372,65535) #5151A0A0C4C4 srgba(81,160,196,1)
        27: (20817,47545,59110,65535) #5151B9B9E6E6 srgba(81,185,230,1)
       175: (21074,17219,16191,65535) #525243433F3F srgba(82,67,63,1)
        21: (21331,64764,62194,65535) #5353FCFCF2F2 srgba(83,252,242,1)
       229: (22102,17476,16705,65535) #565644444141 srgba(86,68,65,1)
       110: (22359,63993,61166,65535) #5757F9F9EEEE srgba(87,249,238,1)
        75: (22616,18504,17990,65535) #585848484646 srgba(88,72,70,1)
        15: (22616,36237,64507,65535) #58588D8DFBFB srgba(88,141,251,1)
        41: (22616,42662,50886,65535) #5858A6A6C6C6 srgba(88,166,198,1)
        46: (22873,12850,54227,65535) #59593232D3D3 srgba(89,50,211,1)
        54: (23130,15677,65535,65535) #5A5A3D3DFFFF srgba(90,61,255,1)
        13: (23130,16962,55769,65535) #5A5A4242D9D9 srgba(90,66,217,1)
       167: (23387,18761,18247,65535) #5B5B49494747 srgba(91,73,71,1)
        17: (23644,49601,59881,65535) #5C5CC1C1E9E9 srgba(92,193,233,1)
         8: (23901,40092,65535,65535) #5D5D9C9CFFFF srgba(93,156,255,1)
        97: (24415,19532,18761,65535) #5F5F4C4C4949 srgba(95,76,73,1)
         8: (24415,44975,56540,65535) #5F5FAFAFDCDC srgba(95,175,220,1)
        53: (24672,43433,51143,65535) #6060A9A9C7C7 srgba(96,169,199,1)
        99: (25186,20303,20560,65535) #62624F4F5050 srgba(98,79,80,1)
        17: (25443,16448,53713,65535) #63634040D1D1 srgba(99,64,209,1)
        11: (25443,40349,46003,65535) #63639D9DB3B3 srgba(99,157,179,1)
        61: (25700,15420,52428,65535) #64643C3CCCCC srgba(100,60,204,1)
        25: (25700,59881,54484,65535) #6464E9E9D4D4 srgba(100,233,212,1)
        85: (25957,21074,22102,65535) #656552525656 srgba(101,82,86,1)
       239: (26214,21331,20560,65535) #666653535050 srgba(102,83,80,1)
        52: (26471,32125,48316,65535) #67677D7DBCBC srgba(103,125,188,1)
        34: (26471,44204,51657,65535) #6767ACACC9C9 srgba(103,172,201,1)
       309: (26985,21845,21074,65535) #696955555252 srgba(105,85,82,1)
        54: (27242,22616,22102,65535) #6A6A58585656 srgba(106,88,86,1)
        52: (27756,23644,23901,65535) #6C6C5C5C5D5D srgba(108,92,93,1)
        25: (28270,23387,51143,65535) #6E6E5B5BC7C7 srgba(110,91,199,1)
        37: (28527,17476,50115,65535) #6F6F4444C3C3 srgba(111,68,195,1)
        47: (28527,22102,65535,65535) #6F6F5656FFFF srgba(111,86,255,1)
        52: (28527,23130,22359,65535) #6F6F5A5A5757 srgba(111,90,87,1)
        57: (28527,44461,51400,65535) #6F6FADADC8C8 srgba(111,173,200,1)
       182: (29041,23644,22873,65535) #71715C5C5959 srgba(113,92,89,1)
        87: (29298,24415,24415,65535) #72725F5F5F5F srgba(114,95,95,1)
        38: (29555,25700,43690,65535) #73736464AAAA srgba(115,100,170,1)
        52: (29812,24929,25700,65535) #747461616464 srgba(116,97,100,1)
         9: (30069,37522,65535,65535) #75759292FFFF srgba(117,146,255,1)
       187: (30326,25186,24158,65535) #767662625E5E srgba(118,98,94,1)
        17: (30583,44718,58853,65535) #7777AEAEE5E5 srgba(119,174,229,1)
        23: (30583,44975,50886,65535) #7777AFAFC6C6 srgba(119,175,198,1)
        21: (30840,46774,53970,65535) #7878B6B6D2D2 srgba(120,182,210,1)
        59: (31097,20046,46774,65535) #79794E4EB6B6 srgba(121,78,182,1)
       147: (31097,25700,24672,65535) #797964646060 srgba(121,100,96,1)
       560: (31611,26214,24929,65535) #7B7B66666161 srgba(123,102,97,1)
         4: (32125,33153,63222,65535) #7D7D8181F6F6 srgba(125,129,246,1)
        52: (32382,26728,26728,65535) #7E7E68686868 srgba(126,104,104,1)
        25: (32639,40092,38550,65535) #7F7F9C9C9696 srgba(127,156,150,1)
       180: (33153,28013,27499,65535) #81816D6D6B6B srgba(129,109,107,1)
        45: (33410,25443,65535,65535) #82826363FFFF srgba(130,99,255,1)
        28: (33410,32639,43433,65535) #82827F7FA9A9 srgba(130,127,169,1)
        54: (33410,44718,49601,65535) #8282AEAEC1C1 srgba(130,174,193,1)
        50: (33410,51914,48316,65535) #8282CACABCBC srgba(130,202,188,1)
        77: (33924,28527,28270,65535) #84846F6F6E6E srgba(132,111,110,1)
        34: (34181,22616,42148,65535) #85855858A4A4 srgba(133,88,164,1)
        35: (34438,28784,28013,65535) #868670706D6D srgba(134,112,109,1)
        47: (35209,29555,29812,65535) #898973737474 srgba(137,115,116,1)
        14: (35209,37265,65535,65535) #89899191FFFF srgba(137,145,255,1)
        26: (35723,28270,65535,65535) #8B8B6E6EFFFF srgba(139,110,255,1)
         7: (36237,42919,42662,65535) #8D8DA7A7A6A6 srgba(141,167,166,1)
        80: (36237,44461,50372,65535) #8D8DADADC4C4 srgba(141,173,196,1)
        38: (36494,28527,37008,65535) #8E8E6F6F9090 srgba(142,111,144,1)
       152: (36751,31097,31097,65535) #8F8F79797979 srgba(143,121,121,1)
        69: (37522,25186,36751,65535) #929262628F8F srgba(146,98,143,1)
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        12: (37779,42148,30069,65535) #9393A4A47575 srgba(147,164,117,1)
        76: (38036,32639,32639,65535) #94947F7F7F7F srgba(148,127,127,1)
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        39: (41634,35466,32125,65535) #A2A28A8A7D7D srgba(162,138,125,1)
       133: (41891,36751,36494,65535) #A3A38F8F8E8E srgba(163,143,142,1)
        40: (42148,37008,58853,65535) #A4A49090E5E5 srgba(164,144,229,1)
        73: (42405,38550,38036,65535) #A5A596969494 srgba(165,150,148,1)
        24: (42662,39578,45746,65535) #A6A69A9AB2B2 srgba(166,154,178,1)
        51: (42919,43176,32382,65535) #A7A7A8A87E7E srgba(167,168,126,1)
       804: (43433,39064,38807,65535) #A9A998989797 srgba(169,152,151,1)
        67: (43690,38293,38293,65535) #AAAA95959595 srgba(170,149,149,1)
        32: (43690,38807,52685,65535) #AAAA9797CDCD srgba(170,151,205,1)
        88: (44204,45746,44461,65535) #ACACB2B2ADAD srgba(172,178,173,1)
         6: (44204,46260,40606,65535) #ACACB4B49E9E srgba(172,180,158,1)
        41: (44718,39835,38807,65535) #AEAE9B9B9797 srgba(174,155,151,1)
        21: (45232,40606,39578,65535) #B0B09E9E9A9A srgba(176,158,154,1)
        51: (45489,34695,26214,65535) #B1B187876666 srgba(177,135,102,1)
        83: (45489,42662,46517,65535) #B1B1A6A6B5B5 srgba(177,166,181,1)
       163: (46003,40863,40606,65535) #B3B39F9F9E9E srgba(179,159,158,1)
        38: (46260,41891,41634,65535) #B4B4A3A3A2A2 srgba(180,163,162,1)
        37: (46774,41634,40606,65535) #B6B6A2A29E9E srgba(182,162,158,1)
       176: (47288,42405,42148,65535) #B8B8A5A5A4A4 srgba(184,165,164,1)
        19: (47545,42662,42662,65535) #B9B9A6A6A6A6 srgba(185,166,166,1)
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        55: (47802,44204,43947,65535) #BABAACACABAB srgba(186,172,171,1)
        25: (48059,43176,42919,65535) #BBBBA8A8A7A7 srgba(187,168,167,1)
       270: (48316,43433,43176,65535) #BCBCA9A9A8A8 srgba(188,169,168,1)
      7150: (48573,44204,43947,65535) #BDBDACACABAB srgba(189,172,171,1)
        22: (48573,51657,26985,65535) #BDBDC9C96969 srgba(189,201,105,1)
       136: (50115,45489,41891,65535) #C3C3B1B1A3A3 srgba(195,177,163,1)
        99: (50886,41120,21074,65535) #C6C6A0A05252 srgba(198,160,82,1)
        35: (50886,45489,41120,65535) #C6C6B1B1A0A0 srgba(198,177,160,1)
       111: (50886,45746,41634,65535) #C6C6B2B2A2A2 srgba(198,178,162,1)
        68: (51143,46003,41120,65535) #C7C7B3B3A0A0 srgba(199,179,160,1)
       120: (53199,48059,39064,65535) #CFCFBBBB9898 srgba(207,187,152,1)
        32: (53970,54741,25186,65535) #D2D2D5D56262 srgba(210,213,98,1)
        97: (56026,51143,36751,65535) #DADAC7C78F8F srgba(218,199,143,1)
        33: (56540,47802,16191,65535) #DCDCBABA3F3F srgba(220,186,63,1)
        67: (58339,54998,33924,65535) #E3E3D6D68484 srgba(227,214,132,1)
       130: (58596,53970,34181,65535) #E4E4D2D28585 srgba(228,210,133,1)
         9: (58853,53199,16962,65535) #E5E5CFCF4242 srgba(229,207,66,1)
        25: (60138,57568,19789,65535) #EAEAE0E04D4D srgba(234,224,77,1)
        11: (60652,54741,14135,65535) #ECECD5D53737 srgba(236,213,55,1)
        32: (61166,61423,22616,65535) #EEEEEFEF5858 srgba(238,239,88,1)
       199: (61423,54227,12079,65535) #EFEFD3D32F2F srgba(239,211,47,1)
        98: (62194,56797,31097,65535) #F2F2DDDD7979 srgba(242,221,121,1)
        84: (62194,59110,30069,65535) #F2F2E6E67575 srgba(242,230,117,1)
        61: (64507,59367,28270,65535) #FBFBE7E76E6E srgba(251,231,110,1)
     12466: (65278,59367, 8738,65535) #FEFEE7E72222 srgba(254,231,34,1)
       337: (65535,59881,10794,65535) #FFFFE9E92A2A srgba(255,233,42,1)
       106: (65535,60138,26471,65535) #FFFFEAEA6767 srgba(255,234,103,1)
       142: (65535,60395,14392,65535) #FFFFEBEB3838 srgba(255,235,56,1)
       405: (65535,60909,12336,65535) #FFFFEDED3030 srgba(255,237,48,1)
        85: (65535,60909,16962,65535) #FFFFEDED4242 srgba(255,237,66,1)
        98: (65535,60909,19275,65535) #FFFFEDED4B4B srgba(255,237,75,1)
        86: (65535,60909,20817,65535) #FFFFEDED5151 srgba(255,237,81,1)
         3: (65535,61166,18504,65535) #FFFFEEEE4848 srgba(255,238,72,1)
       412: (65535,61423,13621,65535) #FFFFEFEF3535 srgba(255,239,53,1)
        36: (65535,61423,22873,65535) #FFFFEFEF5959 srgba(255,239,89,1)
        48: (65535,61937,24158,65535) #FFFFF1F15E5E srgba(255,241,94,1)
       228: (65535,62708,14906,65535) #FFFFF4F43A3A srgba(255,244,58,1)
        30: (65535,62708,20560,65535) #FFFFF4F45050 srgba(255,244,80,1)
       422: (65535,62965,16191,65535) #FFFFF5F53F3F srgba(255,245,63,1)
       558: (65535,63736,17219,65535) #FFFFF8F84343 srgba(255,248,67,1)
       379: (65535,63993,18761,65535) #FFFFF9F94949 srgba(255,249,73,1)
        83: (65535,63993,25443,65535) #FFFFF9F96363 srgba(255,249,99,1)
       500: (65535,64507,19532,65535) #FFFFFBFB4C4C srgba(255,251,76,1)
       539: (65535,65021,20817,65535) #FFFFFDFD5151 srgba(255,253,81,1)
        79: (65535,65021,23387,65535) #FFFFFDFD5B5B srgba(255,253,91,1)
      2538: (65535,65535,21588,65535) #FFFFFFFF5454 srgba(255,255,84,1)
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Re: Converting any image to EPS-CMYK produces distorted file

Posted: 2014-01-29T13:53:59-07:00
by magick
Save the image as ps2:logo2.eps. You'll then to need to specify the CMYK colorspace to read the image (e.g. identify -colorspace CMYK logo2.eps). We'll add a patch to detect that the image is CMYK in the next point release of ImageMagick.

Re: Converting any image to EPS-CMYK produces distorted file

Posted: 2014-01-31T00:20:56-07:00
by Carter J
magick wrote:Save the image as ps2:logo2.eps. You'll then to need to specify the CMYK colorspace to read the image (e.g. identify -colorspace CMYK logo2.eps). We'll add a patch to detect that the image is CMYK in the next point release of ImageMagick.
Saving the image as ps2:filename.eps seems to be working, but its not successful in all the cases

1. JPEG-CMYK -> EPS-CMYK - Success
2. TIFF-CMYK -> EPS-CMYK - Failed (Output images still is distorted, showing Xray kinda display)

Below is the link of a sample TIFF file that I tried ... CMYK_1.tif

Regarding the patch to detect the colorspace if its CMYK in the eps image - When can we expect this build release?

Re: Converting any image to EPS-CMYK produces distorted file

Posted: 2014-02-03T22:15:34-07:00
by Carter J
Do we have an update?
We are still facing issue with this problematic conversion of files

Re: Converting any image to EPS-CMYK produces distorted file

Posted: 2014-02-03T23:37:52-07:00
by fmw42
Have you tried the latest release, Does it still fail?

Re: Converting any image to EPS-CMYK produces distorted file

Posted: 2014-02-04T06:34:36-07:00
by Carter J
fmw42 wrote:Have you tried the latest release, Does it still fail?
Yes, its still failing

1. Output EPS-CMYK images are still distorted even after using ps2
2. The colorspace is still not showing the expected color mode i.e., "CMYK"

Will this be fixed in the next release of ImageMagick 6.8.8-5?

Re: Converting any image to EPS-CMYK produces distorted file

Posted: 2014-02-05T08:57:58-07:00
by dlemstra
Can you try to save the image as ps3:TIFF-CMYK_1.eps.

Re: Converting any image to EPS-CMYK produces distorted file

Posted: 2014-02-06T06:58:33-07:00
by Carter J
dlemstra wrote:Can you try to save the image as ps3:TIFF-CMYK_1.eps.

I tried
convert TIFF-CMYK_1.tif ps2:Test_Out.eps
convert TIFF-CMYK_1.tif ps3:Test_Out.eps

Tried ps3:Test_Out.eps also with no success, still the output images look distorted. And also the output images are chopped off when using ps3 i.e., only some portion of the output image is only visible that too distorted

Is it the problem with ImageMagick ? Or else am I missing any additional parameters in conversion

Re: Converting any image to EPS-CMYK produces distorted file

Posted: 2014-02-10T03:36:42-07:00
by Carter J
Tried this with latest version ImageMagick 6.8.8-5 Q16 x64, still the output images chopped off and distorted.

Any help on this is greatly appreciated and still we are not able to figure out root cause of issue.

Re: Converting any image to EPS-CMYK produces distorted file

Posted: 2014-02-16T08:19:50-07:00
by dlemstra
I can produce a correct image with ImageMagick 6.8.8-6 x64 on windows 7 with the following commands:

Code: Select all

convert D:\test\tif\TIFF-CMYK_1.tif ps3:D:\test\tif\TIFF-CMYK_1.eps

identify D:\Test\tif\TIFF-CMYK_1.eps
TIFF-CMYK_1.eps PS 642x960 642x960+0+0 16-bit ColorSeparation CMYK 2.465MB 0.016u 0:00.018

convert D:\test\tif\TIFF-CMYK_1.eps D:\test\tif\TIFF-CMYK_1.jpg

identify D:\Test\tif\TIFF-CMYK_1.jpg
TIFF-CMYK_1.jpg JPEG 642x960 642x960+0+0 8-bit CMYK 223KB 0.000u 0:00.002
Maybe eps viewer does not suport ps3?

Re: Converting any image to EPS-CMYK produces distorted file

Posted: 2014-02-22T12:08:00-07:00
by Carter J
dlemstra wrote:

Code: Select all

convert D:\test\tif\TIFF-CMYK_1.tif ps3:D:\test\tif\TIFF-CMYK_1.eps
Maybe eps viewer does not suport ps3?
Downloaded the latest IM as you said and tried using ps3 to get EPS files. Correct, when viewing the files with EPS viewer its not displaying the output EPS properly. We tried opening the resultant output images in Photoshop and we are able to see good EPS images.

Re: Converting any image to EPS-CMYK produces distorted file

Posted: 2014-03-23T23:49:53-07:00
by Carter J
dlemstra wrote:I can produce a correct image with ImageMagick 6.8.8-6 x64 on windows 7 with the following commands:

Code: Select all

convert D:\test\tif\TIFF-CMYK_1.tif ps3:D:\test\tif\TIFF-CMYK_1.eps

identify D:\Test\tif\TIFF-CMYK_1.eps
TIFF-CMYK_1.eps PS 642x960 642x960+0+0 16-bit ColorSeparation CMYK 2.465MB 0.016u 0:00.018

convert D:\test\tif\TIFF-CMYK_1.eps D:\test\tif\TIFF-CMYK_1.jpg

identify D:\Test\tif\TIFF-CMYK_1.jpg
TIFF-CMYK_1.jpg JPEG 642x960 642x960+0+0 8-bit CMYK 223KB 0.000u 0:00.002
Maybe eps viewer does not suport ps3?

Prefixing with "ps3" is producing output images without distortion, but the resolution of output eps defaults to 72.

Tried with following command:
convert -units pixelsperinch -resample 216 TIFF-CMYK_1.tif ps3:Test_Out.eps


convert -units pixelsperinch -density 216 TIFF-CMYK_1.tif ps3:Test_Out.eps

Identify -verbose on Test_Out.eps:
Image: Test_Out.eps
Format: PS (PostScript)
Mime type: application/postscript
Class: DirectClass
Geometry: 642x960+0+0
Resolution: 72x72
Print size: 8.91667x13.3333
Units: Undefined
Type: ColorSeparation
Base type: ColorSeparation
Endianess: Undefined
Colorspace: CMYK

Any Insight?