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jpeg image compression

Posted: 2014-01-30T05:57:35-07:00
by sudhasri
Is there any command to make the jpeg image compressed without changing the quality and resolution of the image...

Re: jpeg image compression

Posted: 2014-01-30T06:10:36-07:00
by snibgo
Jpeg files are always compressed. And they always lose quality (the pixels change) every time IM writes them. (Well, they almost always lose quality.)

Lower "-quality" settings give greater compression but more data loss. "-quality 100" gives least compression and least data loss.

Does that answer the question?

Re: jpeg image compression

Posted: 2014-01-30T06:18:08-07:00
by sudhasri
Thanks ,

yea am using the same command
convert original.jpeg -quality 60 imagemagick_60.jpg but there is slight difference in quality compared to the original image.. Is there any alternate way to that..

Re: jpeg image compression

Posted: 2014-01-30T06:26:26-07:00
by snibgo
The best alternative is: don't use jpegs.

If the images are graphics with solid colours, png may give you better compression with no data loss.