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Im confused, what should i be downloading?

Posted: 2014-03-01T01:01:35-07:00
by Question
Someone on another site referred me here when i asked if anyone knew a freeware program that can edit animated gifs. Im trying to reduce the number of frames in a gif to make the size smaller, but all the online editors do not work as the gif is 25mb large.

Im looking at the site but i cant figure out what i should download. I tried downloading the binary release, but i got a program that seems to have no functions. I took a look at the convert command line tool, but there is no actual download on that page, just some instructions. I downloaded both the program interface and imagemagickapp but all i got was a .dll and no actual .exe file.

Someone please tell me which program i need to download in order to remove frames from a animated gif and how to do it. I was trying to find one that would automatically remove a certain number of frames spread out all over the gif instead of having to manually remove frames individually from 200+ frames...

Re: Im confused, what should i be downloading?

Posted: 2014-03-01T01:14:23-07:00
by snibgo
I don't know if ImageMagick can easily do what you want.

It would help if you said what operating system you use (Linux, Windows, whatever). The binary downloads page is

Re: Im confused, what should i be downloading?

Posted: 2014-03-01T01:45:01-07:00
by Question
Im on windows, i downloaded the binary release but i dont know what im supposed to do with it, the display program seems to have no functions at all....

Re: Im confused, what should i be downloading?

Posted: 2014-03-01T02:11:47-07:00
by snibgo
The display program does only that. It isn't an editor.

The main editing program is "convert.exe". It isn't interactive. You type a command, the program runs and (usually) makes an output file, and that is that.

See: ... ptions.php

Re: Im confused, what should i be downloading?

Posted: 2014-03-01T06:19:32-07:00
by holden
Gimp ( can open animated gifs as layers that you can delete/change the timing of then output it as an animated gif again.

edit: Gimp also can show you a preview of the animation, *I think* its under filter/animation/playback, but not positive since I don't have 2.8 where I am atm. Gimp actually has some decent tools for simple animations.

Re: Im confused, what should i be downloading?

Posted: 2014-03-02T05:23:40-07:00
by Question
Im looking at the list of command line options but im afraid i dont see anything about removing frames....

Ive used GIMP before, unfortunately i found it very confusing, especially the layers bit. Would rather not try it again. Would you happen to have any other ideas on how to reduce file size for a animated gif?

Re: Im confused, what should i be downloading?

Posted: 2014-03-02T10:55:20-07:00
by fmw42