Setting interline-spacing with Pango?
Posted: 2014-04-02T21:48:08-07:00
I'm trying to set the -interline-spacing with Pango, with no success. Here are my test commands:
When using "caption:" the line height is adjusted as expected, but Pango completely ignores the setting. I've also been unable to find a -define pango:* equivalent or a Pango markup equivalent.
Is there a way to use Pango and to control the line height at the same time?
Code: Select all
convert -font courier -density 72x72 -interline-spacing 50 -pointsize 20 -size 150 -background white pango:'This is text for my test paragraph. Here is some more text for my test paragraph.' test-pango.jpg
convert -font courier -density 72x72 -interline-spacing 50 -pointsize 20 -size 150 -background white caption:'This is text for my test paragraph. Here is some more text for my test paragraph.' test-caption.jpg
Is there a way to use Pango and to control the line height at the same time?