Converting a .doc file fails, rewrites original
Posted: 2014-05-16T04:52:50-07:00
Hello all,
I'm having a problem with a specific use case of ImageMagick: the conversion of an MS Word document to a bitmap fails with a strange error, and furthermore, the original file is rewritten (with the same data) so its timestamp changes.
Here is the error:
Here is an extract of the execution where it shows the file being opened first read-only, then read-write, and rewritten:
If the same ImageMagick is rebuilt without FPX support:
The operation seems so basic, I don't see what I could be doing wrong?
It is ImageMagic 6.8.9-1, with libfpx 1.3.1-4, on Solaris 10 x86, built with GCC 4.9.
The issue appears with multiple unrelated .doc files.
If there's any more information I can provide, just ask.
Thanks in advance for any suggestion,
I'm having a problem with a specific use case of ImageMagick: the conversion of an MS Word document to a bitmap fails with a strange error, and furthermore, the original file is rewritten (with the same data) so its timestamp changes.
Here is the error:
Code: Select all
$ convert file.doc file.jpg
convert: unable to open file `file.doc': No such file or directory @ error/fpx.c/ReadFPXImage/268.
convert: no images defined `file.jpg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3187.
Code: Select all
17269: open("file.doc", O_RDONLY) = 3
17269: lseek(3, 0, SEEK_SET) = 0
17269: fstat(3, 0xFFFFFD7FFFDF5F00) = 0
17269: fstat(3, 0xFFFFFD7FFFDF5E50) = 0
17269: ioctl(3, TCGETA, 0xFFFFFD7FFFDF5EC0) Err#25 ENOTTY
17269: read(3, "D0CF11E0A1B11AE1\0\0\0\0".., 4096) = 4096
17269: lseek(3, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF018, SEEK_CUR) = 24
17269: close(3) = 0
17269: open("file.doc", O_RDWR) = 3
17269: lseek(3, 0, SEEK_CUR) = 0
17269: lseek(3, 0, SEEK_SET) = 0
17269: fstat(3, 0xFFFFFD7FFFDF5E00) = 0
17269: fstat(3, 0xFFFFFD7FFFDF5D50) = 0
17269: ioctl(3, TCGETA, 0xFFFFFD7FFFDF5DC0) Err#25 ENOTTY
17269: read(3, "D0CF11E0A1B11AE1\0\0\0\0".., 4096) = 4096
17269: lseek(3, 0, SEEK_SET) = 0
17269: read(3, "D0CF11E0A1B11AE1\0\0\0\0".., 4096) = 4096
17269: lseek(3, 0, SEEK_END) = 46080
17269: lseek(3, 0, SEEK_CUR) = 46080
Code: Select all
$ convert file.doc file.jpg
convert: no decode delegate for this image format `FPX' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/501.
convert: no images defined `Intercultural_Sensitivity_Questionnaire.jpg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3187.
It is ImageMagic 6.8.9-1, with libfpx 1.3.1-4, on Solaris 10 x86, built with GCC 4.9.
The issue appears with multiple unrelated .doc files.
If there's any more information I can provide, just ask.
Thanks in advance for any suggestion,