Is it possible to use HSV or HSL model to define colors which you want to work with? I mean I have RGB image, but would like to use HSL definition for fuzz.
For example I have image like this:
And want to suppress shadows located on routes. To do it with RGB definition model I would need to select cca 20-30 colors depending on fuzz (the more precise fuzz the more colors I have to specify). But with HSV/HSL definition this would be much more simple to do. I would like to define minimal values in the similar way
Code: Select all
HSL_min1 = { 197, 21, 29}; // ( color is in range of H>=197 && S>=21 && L >=29
HSL_max1 = { 222, 40, 33}; // and H<=222 && S<=40 && L <=33 ) // dark shadows
// or
HSL_min2 = { 104, 8, 31}; // ( color is in range of H>=104 && S>=8 && L >=31
HSL_max2 = { 216, 33, 46}; // and H<=216 && S<=33 && L <=46 ) // light shadows
// and so on ...
It is exact definition which includes many of colors without need to define all the colors. Is there any way to do it? I would really welcome it.
So in the result, I would effect the defined colors and have something like this...