I'm trying to convert a FITS file to a simple raw array. The conversion works but the dynamic range is serverly modified. BTW, the some thing occurs when converting FITS->FITS.
In the original FITS file the min/max is 4877/55028 - range ~55K. After conversion the min/max is 25898/65535 - range ~40K.
Is there a way to convert without modifying the dyaname range? The FITS file is signed 16-bit with a 32768 offset. Is there a way to tell convert about this?
It appears that IM actually computes it's own dynamic range if I'm reading the -verbose output correctly. Why doesn't IM just read the FITS header and use those values?
- Image: spFocus.fits
Format: FITS (Flexible Image Transport System)
Class: DirectClass
Geometry: 1024x1024+0+0
Resolution: 72x72
Print size: 14.2222x14.2222
Units: Undefined
Type: Grayscale
Base type: Grayscale
Endianess: MSB
Colorspace: RGB
Depth: 16-bit
Channel depth:
gray: 16-bit
Channel statistics:
min: 25898 (0.395178)
max: 65535 (1)
mean: 52871.5 (0.806767)
standard deviation: 5411.11 (0.0825682)
kurtosis: 5.16194
skewness: -1.97673
Rendering intent: Undefined
Interlace: None
Background color: white
Border color: rgb(223,223,223)
Matte color: grey74
Transparent color: black
Page geometry: 1024x1024+0+0
Dispose: Undefined
Iterations: 0
Compression: Undefined
Orientation: Undefined
date:create: 2014-06-04T12:50:14-10:00
date:modify: 2014-06-04T09:21:06-10:00
fits:bitpix: 16 /bits per data value
fits:bscale: 1.00000 /
fits:bzero: 32768 /
fits:extend: T /file may contain extensions
fits:naxis: 2 /number of axes
fits:naxis1: 1024 /
fits:naxis2: 1024 /
fits:simple: T /image conforms to FITS standard
signature: d684f6a4951a373adcd5009ad77bc72386872cbd3164b8e36670757574e724fe
verbose: true
Tainted: False
Filesize: 2.005mb
Number pixels: 1mb
Version: ImageMagick 6.5.4-7 2014-02-10 Q16 OpenMP http://www.imagemagick.org