convert forces my images to greyscale
Posted: 2014-06-28T01:49:40-07:00
I'm trying to use a simple convert command to convert my camera's raw images (Sony alpha ARW) to TIF files for further processing, but the output image is always converted to greyscale. The input images are images of the night sky so they have very little colour variation, but it's there and it's important for the output image. I tried converting to other formats like FITS and PNG24 but the result is always the same: it's converted to greyscale
OS: Linux Mint 13 Maya; ImageMagick: 8:; dcraw: 9.19-1dhor~precise
convert DSC01082.ARW tif/DSC01082.ARW.tif
Any suggestions?
OS: Linux Mint 13 Maya; ImageMagick: 8:; dcraw: 9.19-1dhor~precise
convert DSC01082.ARW tif/DSC01082.ARW.tif
Any suggestions?