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Can ImageMagick++ based apps check app folder for coder dlls

Posted: 2014-06-30T18:33:01-07:00
by aer
I'm creating an application that uses ImageMagick++ to load and convert a sequence of pngs into gifs.

Everything works on my dev machine (unless I uninstall ImageMagick++), but it crashes on other users machines when it tries to use the gif and png coders. I don't want end users to have to install ImageMagick in order to user the software.

It requires IM_MOD_RL_gif_.dll and IM_MOD_RL_png_.dll from the ImageMagick install directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageMagick-6.8.9-Q16\modules\coders

It finds all the dlls and functions correctly when copied to the local directory except the coders.
Which don't work regardless of whether I copy them directly to the program directory. The following locations also failed (based off of advice I found elsewhere on the web).


Is there anyway to make an application using ImageMagick++ check the local directory for coder dll's without having to rebuild ImageMagick++ myself?

Re: Can ImageMagick++ based apps check app folder for coder

Posted: 2014-07-01T05:02:56-07:00
by magick
Have you tried the portable Windows version of ImageMagick @ ... Its a static build and does not consult the Windows registry.

Re: Can ImageMagick++ based apps check app folder for coder

Posted: 2014-07-01T07:26:33-07:00
by aer
magick wrote:Have you tried the portable Windows version of ImageMagick @ ... Its a static build and does not consult the Windows registry.
I may have misunderstood, but isn't that just for me to use as an end user of ImageMagick? I'm trying to use the libraries to write my own application.

Re: Can ImageMagick++ based apps check app folder for coder

Posted: 2014-07-01T07:39:29-07:00
by magick
It is generally recommended for developers that do not want to deal with installing ImageMagick. The portable release can link into your application and be distribution with your application without any fuss-- that is not installer, no registry entries required.

Re: Can ImageMagick++ based apps check app folder for coder

Posted: 2014-07-01T07:56:30-07:00
by aer
EDIT: Never mind. I misunderstood the requirements with the environment variables. This is workable as is.

Thanks for your help and patience.