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Photoshop Path extraction messes up with coordinates

Posted: 2014-07-08T10:49:11-07:00
by zaratol

while testing my images i noticed that currently ImageMagick does not read some path points correctly.
Original Image:

Photoshop Display of the second path:


For this ticket i created to 2 svg files with the same command:

identify -format '%[8BIM:1999,2998:#2]' complicated.tif

For the purpose of this ticket i added "xmlns=""" to the svg tag so the files can be displayed directly

SVG File from recent Version 6.8.9-5:

SVG from really old Version 6.7.2-10:

It looks like some coordinates from the 8bim Block are no longer read correctly (Diff Screenshot taken after cleaning up svg code)


Re: Photoshop Path extraction messes up with coordinates

Posted: 2014-07-08T12:39:05-07:00
by dlemstra
I cannot reproduce your problem with the latest beta of IM 6.8.9-6. I am getting the same SVG image as you are getting in the older version of ImageMagick and it produces the correct output.

Re: Photoshop Path extraction messes up with coordinates

Posted: 2014-07-28T09:17:26-07:00
by zaratol
Strange i still get that error with Windows version ImageMagick-6.8.9-6-Q16-x64-dll.exe, i also don't get the new even odd rule from viewtopic.php?f=2&t=25882
With static Version everything works fine.

I already tried uninstall / reinstall.

Trying with Linux Version later this Week

Re: Photoshop Path extraction messes up with coordinates

Posted: 2014-08-20T07:25:57-07:00
by zaratol
ok this seems to be a 32bit vs 64 bit version.

tested with windows 64/32 Binary Release
and with CentOs 64/32 Binary Release

on every 64 bit Version i get this error, on 32 bit versions not.

Any Idea?

Re: Photoshop Path extraction messes up with coordinates

Posted: 2014-09-17T03:08:37-07:00
by dlemstra
Sorry for not getting back to you. The 64 bit problem has been fixed at the end of august. This will be available in the next release (6.8.9-8).