help!!! how to improve
Posted: 2014-10-16T03:50:42-07:00
hi,could anybody help me to fix this problem?
code like this:
blob = new(std::nothrow) Magick::Blob(image_buffer.c_str(),image_buffer.length());
I use multi threads to process image. Now, I start 5 threads to run
when image is 5000x3000, process cpu reach 99%, and "read" cost 6s
like,when threads is more, read cost more time
how to reduce read cost time?
code like this:
blob = new(std::nothrow) Magick::Blob(image_buffer.c_str(),image_buffer.length());
I use multi threads to process image. Now, I start 5 threads to run
when image is 5000x3000, process cpu reach 99%, and "read" cost 6s
like,when threads is more, read cost more time
how to reduce read cost time?