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bug in identify -moments IM

Posted: 2014-10-17T17:16:58-07:00
by fmw42
Mac OSX Snow Leopard.

Version: ImageMagick 6.8.9-8 Q16 x86_64 2014-09-28
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: DPC Modules
Delegates: bzlib cairo fftw fontconfig freetype gslib jbig jng jp2 jpeg lcms lqr ltdl lzma openexr png ps rsvg tiff webp x xml zlib

IM identify -moments is listing 8 PHASH values per channel rather than the 7 it is supposed to. It was working fine in IM

identify -quiet -verbose -moments -alpha off rose:
Channel perceptual hash:
Red, Hue:
PH1: 0.586155, 0.0651501
PH2: 1.92259, 0.643724
PH3: 4.04093, 1.66702
PH4: 5.55782, 2.30485
PH5: 10.4956, 5.2932
PH6: 6.97909, 2.8081
PH7: 10.5206, 4.29294
PH8: 6.84797, 3.05123
Green, Chroma:
PH1: 0.238558, 0.454035
PH2: 1.1056, 1.83721
PH3: 2.98275, 2.88605
PH4: 3.66115, 3.89781
PH5: 7.03505, 7.563
PH6: 4.77368, 5.07873
PH7: 7.31909, 7.36232
PH8: 4.53213, 5.19452
Blue, Luma:
PH1: 0.201386, 0.360681
PH2: 1.02442, 1.39199
PH3: 2.16063, 3.29767
PH4: 2.56066, 4.41624
PH5: 4.95438, 10.0023
PH6: 3.11037, 5.35253
PH7: 5.34622, 8.27327
PH8: 3.77375, 5.50045

im6897 identify -quiet -verbose -moments -alpha off rose:
Channel perceptual hash:
Red, Hue:
PH1: 0.586155, 0.0651501
PH2: 1.92259, 0.643724
PH3: 4.04093, 1.66702
PH4: 5.55782, 2.30485
PH5: 10.4956, 5.2932
PH6: 6.97909, 2.8081
PH7: 10.5206, 4.29294
Green, Chroma:
PH1: 0.238558, 0.454035
PH2: 1.1056, 1.83721
PH3: 2.98275, 2.88605
PH4: 3.66115, 3.89781
PH5: 7.03505, 7.563
PH6: 4.77368, 5.07873
PH7: 7.31909, 7.36232
Blue, Luma:
PH1: 0.201386, 0.360681
PH2: 1.02442, 1.39199
PH3: 2.16063, 3.29767
PH4: 2.56066, 4.41624
PH5: 4.95438, 10.0023
PH6: 3.11037, 5.35253
PH7: 5.34622, 8.27327

The number of HU moments are properly listed as 8. But the PHASH algorithm appears to now include the HASH for the 8th moment when it should stop at the first 7.

Re: bug in identify -moments IM

Posted: 2014-10-18T07:48:44-07:00
by magick
We can reproduce the problem you posted and have a patch in ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 Beta, available by sometime tomorrow. Thanks.