not resizing or writing out new file
Posted: 2014-11-25T22:37:08-07:00
18 fromfile is /home/vhosts/
tofile is /home/vhosts/
18 fromfile is /home/vhosts/
tofile is /home/vhosts/
Code: Select all
function resizepicture($size,$fromfile,$tofile,$quality=100,$JPEG_FileName)
// (" 9 fromfile is $fromfile fromfile is $fromfile<br>");
$quality=100; // <-- unnecessary, since that is the default in the function definition above
// (" 13 size is $size<br> fromfile is $fromfile<br> tofile is $tofile <br>");
$fromfile = formatFileName($fromfile);
$tofile = formatFileName($tofile);
print ("<br> 18 fromfile is $fromfile <br> tofile is $tofile <br><br>");
if (!(is_file($fromfile) ))
die("First argument to resize function references a file (\$fromfile\") that does not exist,"
." in this script.\n");
if (!(is_readable($fromfile)))
die("First argument to resize function references a file (\"$fromfile\") "
." or is not readable by this script.\n");
$workfile ='/tmp/'.$JPEG_FileName;
//$workfile =$fromfile;
$strsize = (filesize($fromfile));
$currentimagesize = getimagesize($fromfile);
$Picimage_width = $currentimagesize[0];
$Picimage_height= $currentimagesize[1];
$sizefactor = 1.0;
if ($Picimage_height > $Picimage_width)
{ $sizefactor = (double) ($size / $Picimage_height);}
{$sizefactor = (double) ($size / $Picimage_width) ;}
$newsf = round($sizefactor ,3);
if ($newsf == 1.001) {$sizefactor = 1.0; }
if ($sizefactor == 1.00013908) {$sizefactor = 1.0; }
if ($sizefactor !== 1.0) {
$newwidth = (int) ($Picimage_width * $sizefactor);
$newheight = (int) ($Picimage_height * $sizefactor); }
$resource= NewMagickWand(); /* create a new MagickWand resource */
$status = MagickReadImage($resource, $workfile );
if ($status == MagickFalse) {print(" 56 Unable to Read $workfile<br> \n");}
if ($status == MagickTrue) {print(" 57 able to Read $workfile<br> \n");}
$status = MagickTransformImage($resource, NULL, $newwidth . "x" . $newheight);
if ($status == MagickFalse) {print(" 94 Unable to TransformImage $workfile<br> \n");}
$status = MagickSetImageCompressionQuality($resource, $quality);
if ($status == MagickFalse) {print(" Unable to Compression Quality $workfile<br> \n");}
$status = MagickSetImageFormat($resource, 'JPEG');
if ($status == MagickFalse) {print(" Unable to image format $workfile<br> \n");}
$status =MagickWriteImage($resource, $tofile);
if ($status == MagickFalse) {print(" Unable to write image $tofile<br> \n");}
print("70 status is $status tofile is $tofile <br>");
//("<br> ok <br>");