Have some issues with my montage of 4 images. They are colums that have differnt highs depending on weather conditions.
At first it worked ok, but at some point, after a reinstall i think, they are suddenly aligned at the top. Se the actual image added to the webcam image here:
Code: Select all
montage \
-label $rain_1h_label $rain_1h_file \
-label $rain_24h_label $rain_24h_file \
-label $temp_label $temp_file \
-label $wind_label $wind_file \
-background none \
-font '/home/selevaret/public_html/images/cb/arial.ttf' \
-fill 'yellow' \
-pointsize 15 \
-gravity south \
-geometry +2+2 \
-tile 4x1 tmp.gif
mv tmp.gif $outfile