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Conversion from PDF to PNG contains unwanted artifacts

Posted: 2015-02-04T12:12:44-07:00
by vmrob
While attempting to convert a pdf document to a png using the following command, the output is inconsistent with the input. Note the artifacts near the arrows.

$ convert --version
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.0-3 Q16 x86_64 2015-02-04
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2015 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: DPC Modules
Delegates (built-in): bzlib cairo fontconfig freetype jng jp2 jpeg lcms ltdl lzma openexr png rsvg tiff webp xml zlib

Code: Select all

convert -density 400 gitdags.pdf gitdags.png
Input: ... itdags.pdf


Input PDF details:

Code: Select all

$ identify -verbose gitdags.pdf
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    pdf:Version: PDF-1.5 
    signature: 7e9bb187fbfef57c0e1a9c6c0862ad82b1efde9a64d842e3a627d4dc6457092a
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Re: Conversion from PDF to PNG contains unwanted artifacts

Posted: 2015-02-04T14:20:45-07:00
by pipitas
What 'identify -verbose some.pdf' tells you are many details supposedly about the input PDF which are not relevant at all for the PDF. The reason: identify (as ImageMagick in general) cannot directly handle PDF itself. It uses Ghostscript as its 'delegate' to process input PDF pages and convert them to a series of raster images.

Only then 'identify' gets its turn: it then reports all the many details -- but most of these are details about the newly generated raster image, not about the original PDF. The only items which are appropriate for the input PDF are the few (3-5?) lines (out of almost 300!) reported underneath the 'Properties' line: 'date:create', 'date:modify', 'pdf:Version' and 'signature'. How reliable these are, is doubtful...

So unfortunately, the info you provided does not help much.

There are better (free) command line tools tools to investigate the PDF. First, 'pdfinfo':

Code: Select all

pdfinfo gitdags.pdf 

 Creator:        TeX
 Producer:       pdfTeX-1.40.15
 CreationDate:   Tue Feb  3 17:56:43 2015 
 ModDate:        Tue Feb  3 17:56:43 2015
 Tagged:         no 
 UserProperties: no
 Suspects:       no
 Form:           none
 JavaScript:     no
 Pages:          1
 Encrypted:      no
 Page size:      158.799 x 75.717 pts
 Page rot:       0
 File size:      44261 bytes
 Optimized:      no
 PDF version:    1.5
As you can see, this PDF info is more complete than what you get from 'identify -verbose'. Also, the 'CreationDate' and 'ModDate' metadata do differ from what identify reports... (OK, I tested shortly: `identify` reports the current time as 'date:create' and 'date:modify'. This is plain wrong by identify and has to be regarded as a bug!)

Second, 'pdfimages':

Code: Select all

pdfimages -list gitdags.pdf 

 page   num  type   width height color comp bpc  enc interp  object ID x-ppi y-ppi size ratio
So, no results here. There are no embedded images in the PDF. What we see is vector graphics.

Third, 'pdffonts':

Code: Select all

pdffonts gitdags.pdf
 name                     type    encoding  emb sub uni object ID
 ------------------------ ------- --------- --- --- --- ---------
 APTQJI+LMMono9-Regular   Type 1  Custom    yes yes no      32  0
 NSZVGH+LMMono8-Regular   Type 1  Custom    yes yes no      33  0
Now let's see how ImageMagick processes the PDF:

Code: Select all

convert -verbose gitdags.pdf gitdags.png

 /var/tmp/magick-38522tfS9sU7JKOO01 PNG 159x76 159x76+0+0 8-bit sRGB 5.4KB 0.000u 0:00.000
 gitdags.pdf PDF 159x76 159x76+0+0 16-bit sRGB 5.4KB 0.000u 0:00.000
 gitdags.pdf=>gitdags.png PDF 159x76 159x76+0+0 8-bit sRGB 186c 2.79KB 0.000u 0:00.000
 [ghostscript library] -q -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dMaxBitmap=500000000 \
    -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=2 "-sDEVICE=pngalpha" -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 \
    "-r72x72"  "-sOutputFile=/var/tmp/magick-38522tfS9sU7JKOO0%d" "-f/var/tmp/magick-38522GemGFJkDIY3Z" \
You can clearly see how Ghostscript is at work as ImageMagick's delegate for processing PDF input.

Finally, I did run the conversion with a direct Ghostscript command like so:

Code: Select all

gs -r400 -sDEVICE=pngalpha -o gitdags.png gitdags.pdf
I used different Ghostscript versions: v9.10, v9.15 and a self-compiled v9.16 (from today's Git clone of the Ghostscript sources). I also tried it with different resulutions (up to 1200 PPI!, not just your 400 PPI).

I'm sorry to report: in every single case this results in similar artifacts you you reported.

So this is nothing the ImageMagick developers can do anything about.

Maybe you should report this problem in the Ghostscript bugzilla? ( )

Re: Conversion from PDF to PNG contains unwanted artifacts

Posted: 2015-02-04T16:16:04-07:00
by glennrp
I don't see the artifacts. I'm using IM-6.9.0-4 with libnpg-1.6.16 and (I believe) ghostscript 9.10. I do see drop shadows but I assume those were deliberately included.

Re: Conversion from PDF to PNG contains unwanted artifacts

Posted: 2015-02-04T16:53:37-07:00
by vmrob
pipitas wrote:I'm sorry to report: in every single case this results in similar artifacts you you reported.

So this is nothing the ImageMagick developers can do anything about.

Maybe you should report this problem in the Ghostscript bugzilla? ( )
Thanks for the quick reply! I'll be sure to submit something to Ghostscript for that bug though. I really appreciate the additional debug work you put into it as well. The additional commands are also really helpful; I'll keep those in mind next time I need to debug this sort of thing.
glennrp wrote:I don't see the artifacts. I'm using IM-6.9.0-4 with libnpg-1.6.16 and (I believe) ghostscript 9.10. I do see drop shadows but I assume those were deliberately included.
Would you happen to have an output example? I would really like to see what that looked like.

Re: Conversion from PDF to PNG contains unwanted artifacts

Posted: 2015-02-04T17:25:38-07:00
by glennrp
Here's my output:
Note that the transparency was lost.

EDIT: transparency is not lost. About 5 columns along the left border are fully transparent; all others are opaque.

Re: Conversion from PDF to PNG contains unwanted artifacts

Posted: 2015-02-04T17:39:46-07:00
by vmrob
The artifacts are present in the centers of the arrowheads:


Re: Conversion from PDF to PNG contains unwanted artifacts

Posted: 2015-02-04T17:46:04-07:00
by glennrp
OK I do see those. I thought they were put there on purpose.

Re: Conversion from PDF to PNG contains unwanted artifacts

Posted: 2015-02-04T17:47:34-07:00
by vmrob
glennrp wrote:OK I do see those. I thought they were put there on purpose.
Nope. I know it's a little small, but this is the reference pdf: ... itdags.pdf

Re: Conversion from PDF to PNG contains unwanted artifacts

Posted: 2015-02-04T17:56:38-07:00
by glennrp
I added a -density 4800 closeup of one of the arrowheads to the above-mentioned web page. It does look to me as though the little triangle was deliberately drawn there.

Re: Conversion from PDF to PNG contains unwanted artifacts

Posted: 2015-02-05T08:43:37-07:00
by pipitas
glennrp wrote:I added a -density 4800 closeup of one of the arrowheads to the above-mentioned web page. It does look to me as though the little triangle was deliberately drawn there.
If so, then all the PDF viewers I tested[*][/color][/b] the input PDF with (apart from Ghostscript-based 'gv'), do have the same bug: because these do not show this intentional 'artifacts', not even with their respective maximum zoom-in level. Likely?!?

(I still have to test with Acrobat...)

[*]:[/b][/color] These were: Chrome's builtin PDF viewer, Firefox with PDF.js, evince, XPDF,, MuPDF -- all on Mac OS X.

Re: Conversion from PDF to PNG contains unwanted artifacts

Posted: 2015-02-05T09:11:13-07:00
by snibgo
Adobe Reader 11.0.6 does not show white outlined triangles. The arrowheads show as solid gray.

Re: Conversion from PDF to PNG contains unwanted artifacts

Posted: 2015-02-05T11:26:15-07:00
by fmw42
For me, Mac Preview on OSX 10.6.8 (snow leopard) does not show the white triangles in the middle of arrow heads for the original PDF file. It does not show in my Safari browser 5.1.10 either, nor in my Acrobat Reader 11.

Re: Conversion from PDF to PNG contains unwanted artifacts

Posted: 2015-02-05T11:50:48-07:00
by pipitas
It's clear then: a Ghostscript bug.

Re: Conversion from PDF to PNG contains unwanted artifacts

Posted: 2015-02-05T12:11:51-07:00
by pipitas
I tested a few more (direct) Ghostscript-conversions to raster formats: '-sDEVICE={tiff24nc,png16m,jpeg}'. All these didn't produce the artifact. It's only the 'pngalpha'-device which has the problem.

Maybe this is a chance to find a workaround?[*][/b][/color]

Provided, your IM has a setup which does not go through Ghostscript's 'pngalpha' device when converting to TIFF in the first stage:

Code: Select all

convert -verbose -density 400 gitdag.pdf gitdag.tiff

convert gitdag.tiff gitdag.png
You can check your specific delegates setup for PDF processing like this:

Code: Select all

convert -list delegate | grep pdf
Check here how you can change or add your own delegate setup: If this isn't possible, you'll need to run a Ghostscript command first:

Code: Select all

gs -o gitdag.tiff -r400x400 -sDEVICE=tiff32nc gitdag.pdf

convert gitdag.tiff gitdag.png
I hope one of these approaches will work for you.

[*][/b][/color] (It may be quite a long time before a GS bugfix arrives in user space for this specific problem...)

Re: Conversion from PDF to PNG contains unwanted artifacts

Posted: 2016-01-23T21:26:25-07:00
by aaron.cuffman
pipitas wrote:I tested a few more (direct) Ghostscript-conversions to raster formats: '-sDEVICE={tiff24nc,png16m,jpeg}'. All these didn't produce the artifact. It's only the 'pngalpha'-device which has the problem.
I've come from the future to thank you. Thanks! I'm a noob with Ghostscript and had no clue why my images had those crappy artifacts. I was using Png256 and simply switching to Png16m fixed the issue completely. Again, thank you!