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ImageMagickObject OLE : Bug in version 6.0.9

Posted: 2015-02-09T21:41:22-07:00
by Alexvb6

I'm using ImageMagick for more than 3 years successfully on our Windows Server 2008; and using the version ImageMagick-6.8.5-Q16.
By just converting a simple JPG to Grayscale, it is fully working with the previous version ImageMagick-6.8.5-Q16.

We updated to thelatest version 6.9.0 that seems having a BUG.
I'm using the ImageMagickOleObject from VbScript (Asp).
I do not know if this is a specific issue, or if this Bug spread to the whole 6.9.0 version... — I'm only using it from VbScript, as it is more flexible than .BAT files.)

It generates the following error with version ImageMagick-6.9.0-Q16 :
2015-02-10 04:16:25 W3SVC14 VPS1428-CLOUD GET /imageToGray.asp |102|80041771|convert:_435:_unable_to_open_image_`_-background_white_-flatten_':_No_such_file_or_directory_@_error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2674:___convert:_420:_no_decode_delegate_for_this_image_format_`'_@_error/constitute.c/ReadImage/501:___
This is a very obscure error for me !
Reverting to version 6.8.5 works like a charm. That's so bad I can't use the latest version...

Obviously, permissions are set to folders, and ImagemagickObject is really used by vbscript code, no problem.
It seems this is an internal bug within ImagemagickObject itself ? Any idea from the dev team or anybody else ?

We are using the following Syntax from VbScript :
Set MyIMObj1 = CreateObject("ImageMagickObject.MagickImage.1")
MyIMObj1.Convert " -background white -flatten ", sourceFile, destFile
Set MyIMObj1 = Nothing

Thank you very much !

Re: ImageMagickObject OLE : Bug in version 6.0.9

Posted: 2015-02-09T21:56:12-07:00
by snibgo
6.0.9 is not the latest version. You can see that 6.0.9 < 6.8.5, which was your previous version. The current version is 6.9.0-5. What does "convert -version" say?

Re: ImageMagickObject OLE : Bug in version 6.0.9

Posted: 2015-02-11T00:59:26-07:00
by Alexvb6
Oh !! I'm sorry ! That's version 6.9.0-5 !
I've made a typographical error ! ^^Sorry (I have edited my original post)
So i'm really using the latest version (downloaded from the ImageMagick website yesterday)., and with this latest version, the bug occurs..