Size limit on textcleaner
Posted: 2015-02-12T14:03:42-07:00
Is there a size limit on the textcleaner script?
I have the script working fine on smaller images around 1.9Mb still works. But when I use filesizes like 3.4 MB it doesn't seem to work.
On another server the larger images are processed just fine so perhaps there is a setting I need to do on the server to be able to process larger files?
On an image of 1.9 MB it just generates the test:
On an image with exactly the same rights + permissions but with a larger size:
I am running this on an ubuntu 14.04 server.
On our old centos 5 server this script seems to be working fine with larger files. I have build tesseract from source on that server but cannot find any configuration or limitation setting that could be giving the error on larger files.
Also the error is thrown instantaneously so I assume this is not due to running out of memory or something like that.
What could be causing this? Any thoughts?
Is there a size limit on the textcleaner script?
I have the script working fine on smaller images around 1.9Mb still works. But when I use filesizes like 3.4 MB it doesn't seem to work.
On another server the larger images are processed just fine so perhaps there is a setting I need to do on the server to be able to process larger files?
On an image of 1.9 MB it just generates the test:
Code: Select all
/var/www/CENCORED :)/web/textcleaner -s 3 app_images/ticket_1423476443139.jpg ./app_images/gens/test.jpg
Code: Select all
root@CENCORED:/var/www/CENCORED/web# /var/www/CENCORED/web/textcleaner -s 3 app_images/ticket_1423765951755.jpg ./app_images/gens/testjimmy.jpg
convert: magick/blob.c:4020: WriteBlob: Assertion `data != (const unsigned char *) ((void *)0)' failed.
/var/www/CENCORED/web/textcleaner: line 397: 10567 Aborted (core dumped) convert -quiet "$infile" +repage "$tmpA1"
--- FILE app_images/ticket_1423765951755.jpg NOT READABLE OR HAS ZERO SIZE ---
USAGE: textcleaner [-r rotate] [-l layout] [-c cropoff] [-g] [-e enhance ] [-f filtersize] [-o offset] [-u] [-t threshold] [-s sharpamt] [-s saturation] [-a adaptblur] [-T] [-p padamt] [-b bgcolor] infile outfile
USAGE: textcleaner [-help]
-r rotate rotate image 90 degrees in direction specified if
aspect ratio does not match layout; options are cw
(or clockwise), ccw (or counterclockwise) and n
(or none); default=none or no rotation
-l layout desired layout; options are p (or portrait) or
l (or landscape); default=portrait
-c cropoff image cropping offsets after potential rotate 90;
choices: one, two or four non-negative integer comma
separated values; one value will crop all around;
two values will crop at left/right,top/bottom;
four values will crop left,top,right,bottom
-g convert document to grayscale before enhancing
-e enhance enhance image brightness before cleaning;
choices are: none, stretch or normalize;
-f filtersize size of filter used to clean background;
integer>0; default=15
-o offset offset of filter in percent used to reduce noise;
integer>=0; default=5
-u unrotate image; cannot unrotate more than
about 5 degrees
-t threshold text smoothing threshold; 0<=threshold<=100;
nominal value is about 50; default is no smoothing
-s sharpamt sharpening amount in pixels; float>=0;
nominal about 1; default=0
-S saturation color saturation expressed as percent; integer>=0;
only applicable if -g not set; default=100 (no change)
-a adaptblur alternate text smoothing using adaptive blur;
floats>=0; default=0 (no smoothing)
-T trim background around outer part of image
-p padamt border pad amount around outer part of image;
integer>=0; default=0
-b bgcolor desired color for background; default=white
Code: Select all
# convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.7.7-10 2014-03-06 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2012 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: OpenMP
Also the error is thrown instantaneously so I assume this is not due to running out of memory or something like that.
What could be causing this? Any thoughts?