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Determine areas containig text or pattern
Posted: 2015-02-13T03:06:13-07:00
by prozakaz
How to find text or car number on image using php and imagemagick?
I trying to find car numbers area and crop it so from this

Get that
The pattern always the same
Is there any solution to do that in php?
Re: Determine areas containig text or pattern
Posted: 2015-02-13T10:26:12-07:00
by fmw42
IM's compare function will do a compare, but it is not rotationally nor scale insensitive. So you must have the same orientation and scale. But some one recently is trying to add a new invariant compare function. But I do not know how far along that is. see
If the scale and rotation do not change, then you can crop out the license place and use compare with subimage-search to find it. See
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=14613&p=51076&hilit ... ric#p51076 (but you now need to add -subimage-search).
You might try OpenCV.