error, missing dll (IM via VBScript)
Posted: 2015-03-20T09:19:02-07:00
PPS I take it back, Q16 is fast enough
It would appear that yes, this file is missing from that location. I did an install recently 6.9.0 32bit Q16 Windows. I've been experimenting and this error didn't occur during a previous install, it has since been uninstalled (from add/remove then manually deleting some files that were still hanging around plus the original IM folder in Programs, this is on Windows) Do I need to simply try reinstalling?
The script checks the colorspace of all the files in a directory and converts if needed.
PS please bring back the Q8 builds for 32 bit systems
PPS I take it back, Q16 is still plenty fast
Code: Select all
ImageMagickObject.MagickImage.1 error '80041771'
identity: 395: unable to open module file `C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.9.0-Q16\modules\coders\IM_MOD_RL_DB_.dll': No such file or directory @ warning/module.c/GetMagickModulePath/672: identity: 420: no decode delegate for this image format `DB' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/501:
The script checks the colorspace of all the files in a directory and converts if needed.
PS please bring back the Q8 builds for 32 bit systems
PPS I take it back, Q16 is still plenty fast