Convert .dcm to .jpg
Posted: 2015-04-24T17:04:24-07:00
Using the command line to convert a DICOM (.dcm) image to jpg. On some dicom files I get the following error message:
convert.exe: improper image header 'image.dcm @ error/dcm.c/ReadDCMImage/3144.
The file image.dcm can be viewed with a DICOM viewer and the header can be read using exiftool.exe. I cannot determine what the error actually is since all the attributes appear to be normal.
convert.exe: improper image header 'image.dcm @ error/dcm.c/ReadDCMImage/3144.
The file image.dcm can be viewed with a DICOM viewer and the header can be read using exiftool.exe. I cannot determine what the error actually is since all the attributes appear to be normal.