You do not say what platform! Syntax may different on Windows from Unix. If you floodfill from each corner you will get 4 results. What do you want to do with them afterwards? You will also need to provide a -fuzz value. If -fuzz 0, then you will get no change since any neighboring values that are the same will stay that way and any other similar colors will be unchanged.
What is the purpose of your floodfill process? What is the end goal?
Can you upload an example image to some place such as and put the URL here, so we can test and understand what you want to do better?
Whether you use -floodfill or -draw, you still need to provide the fill color. So you must extract it first from the image corner. To do the bottom right corner, this would be the way in Unix.
Code: Select all
cornercolor=`convert image -gravity southeast -format "%[pixel:u.p{0,0}]" info:`
convert image -fuzz XX% -fill "$cornercolor" -gravity southeast -draw "color 0,0 floodfill" resultimage
where XX% is your fuzz value for determining how similar the colors should be to the corner color to do the floodfill.