Intensity methods of morphology command -- can there be colors of the same 'intensity'?
Posted: 2015-07-11T03:25:01-07:00
I.e. can we have 2 colors, whose boundary will not be affected by intensity variants of morphology command? What's the exact formula for 'intensity'? It seems to be not
because with
text is shrunk, but with
text is widened. But, even if the formula is not a great secret, is there a case, in source code, that specially deals with equal intensities? Or maybe boundary between different colors will never stay in place?
Code: Select all
0.299*red + 0.587*green + 0.114*blue
Code: Select all
convert +antialias -size 200x200 xc:rgb(0%,100%,0%) -fill rgb(100%,70.263980%,0%) -font Cambria-Bold -pointsize 70 -gravity center -draw "text 10,10 'Hello'" -morphology dilatei disk:3 test_1.png
Code: Select all
convert +antialias -size 200x200 xc:rgb(0%,100%,0%) -fill rgb(100%,70.263981%,0%) -font Cambria-Bold -pointsize 70 -gravity center -draw "text 10,10 'Hello'" -morphology dilatei disk:3 test_1.png
Code: Select all
convert -version
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