Indexed BMP conversion
Posted: 2015-08-07T05:16:19-07:00
Hello, I'm trying to convert some 24 bit BMPs into 8 bit with a palette that contains only the used colors, but that always results in a bitmap with the 256 palette entries even when the image use 4 or 5 colors, so my question is if it is possible to have any unused entries removed, I have tried this basically
I also tried -type Palette and -depth 8
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.0-0 Q16 x86 2014-11-14
Platform: Windows 7
Code: Select all
convert inimage.bmp -compress None -colors 256 BMP3:outimage.bmp
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.0-0 Q16 x86 2014-11-14
Platform: Windows 7