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error Reporting shell_exec

Posted: 2015-08-25T09:01:32-07:00
by Darknet

Code: Select all

private function convert_width($size,$pic,$input,$output)
		$pfadinput = $input."/".$pic;
		$pfadoutput = $output."/".$pic;
		print_r("/usr/bin/convert -resize '.$size.' -quality 100%  '.$pfadinput.' '.$pfadoutput");
		var_dump(shell_exec("/usr/bin/convert -resize '.$size.'-quality 100% '.$pfadinput.' '.$pfadoutput"));  
Who can I ceck if the imagemagick command work correct?
These example doen't work

Re: error Reporting shell_exec

Posted: 2015-08-25T09:15:05-07:00
by fmw42
How do you know they do not work. Try running the command line with explicit values in a terminal. Also your syntax is not fully correct, though it may not matter. Put the input image right after convert and before the resize.

Re: error Reporting shell_exec

Posted: 2015-08-26T01:52:25-07:00
by Darknet
IT works Thank You