Optimising this request!
Posted: 2015-08-27T11:53:00-07:00
Hi guys,
Apologies if this is the wrong section.
I run a site which is processing hundreds of images per minute. We use redis and php-resque to process the ImageMagick requests in the background, but wait times for each image can be 2-3 minutes due to the amount of requests + the slow processing time. Each request probably takes around 2 seconds, so when 500 image requests get queued up, users can wait up to 2-3 minutes per image.
What I'd like to do is be able to optimise ImageMagick to process these images much more faster, whether a setting or optimising our code.
The code we use to process each image is something like this:
I did some testing and found that reducing the number of images per request will speed it up quite a lot (3 images being used is a lot quicker). But that's not really a solution for us since we offer lots of customisation for our users.
Does anyone have any help or tips we could use to help optimise this process?
Thank you to anyone who replies, I really appreciate it
Apologies if this is the wrong section.
I run a site which is processing hundreds of images per minute. We use redis and php-resque to process the ImageMagick requests in the background, but wait times for each image can be 2-3 minutes due to the amount of requests + the slow processing time. Each request probably takes around 2 seconds, so when 500 image requests get queued up, users can wait up to 2-3 minutes per image.
What I'd like to do is be able to optimise ImageMagick to process these images much more faster, whether a setting or optimising our code.
The code we use to process each image is something like this:
Code: Select all
convert -size 600x400 xc:none \( ".$path."assets/images/bases/base_image_69509021433289153_8_0.png -fill rgb\(255,15,127\) -colorize 100% \) -composite \( ".$path."assets/images/bases/eye_image_60444011438514404_8_0.png -fill rgb\(15,107,255\) -colorize 100% \) -composite \( ".$path."assets/images/markings/marking_clan_8_marking_10_1433289499.png -fill rgb\(255,79,79\) -colorize 100% \) -composite \( ".$path."assets/images/bases/shading_image_893252771433289153_8_0.png -fill rgb\(135,159,255\) -colorize 100% \) -compose Multiply -composite \( ".$path."assets/images/bases/highlight_image_629750231433289153_8_0.png -fill rgb\(27,35,36\) -colorize 100% \) -compose Overlay -composite \( ".$path."assets/images/bases/lineart_image_433715161433289153_8_0.png -fill rgb\(0,0,0\) -colorize 100% \) -compose Over -composite ".$path."assets/generated/queue/tempt_preview_27992_userid_0_".$filename."_file.png
Does anyone have any help or tips we could use to help optimise this process?
Thank you to anyone who replies, I really appreciate it