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Resize with IM-6.9.2 with HDRI, wrong images

Posted: 2015-09-16T12:18:10-07:00
by lexxai
If compiled with HDRI, resize generate wrong images, with differ filters (Magick::FilterTypes) differ wrong image.
Tested at windows via API C++, and from convert utility.
If complies w/o HDRI all ok.

Re: Resize with IM-6.9.2 with HDRI, wrong images

Posted: 2015-09-16T12:20:23-07:00
by fmw42
lexxai wrote:If compiled with HDRI, resize generate wrong images, with differ filters (Magick::FilterTypes) differ wrong image.
Tested at windows via API C++, and from convert utility.
If complies w/o HDRI all ok.
I am not sure what your problem is? Is it the compile or the resulting image sizes? If the sizes, then post your command line using convert and upload your image to and put the URL here. I can test it then (on Mac OSX)

Re: Resize with IM-6.9.2 with HDRI, wrong images

Posted: 2015-09-16T12:37:29-07:00
by lexxai
compiling ok. problem with use.

Code: Select all

Magick::Geometry og=Magick::Geometry(wScale,hScale).percent(true);
Magick::FilterTypes filter;
if (filterType=="Point") filter=Magick::PointFilter;
 else if (filterType=="Box") filter=Magick::BoxFilter;
 else if (filterType=="Triangle") filter=Magick::TriangleFilter;
 else if (filterType=="Hermite") filter=Magick::HermiteFilter;

    catch (Magick::Exception  &error_) {
        qDebug()<<QString("ImageMagick::resize %1").arg(error_.what());
Source ... directlink
Result ... directlink

or can use

Code: Select all

convert.exe 000007.jpg -filter Box -resize 200x result.jpg

Version: ImageMagick 6.9.2-0 Q32 x64 2015-09-16
Features: Cipher DPC HDRI Modules OpenCL

Re: Resize with IM-6.9.2 with HDRI, wrong images

Posted: 2015-09-16T12:56:17-07:00
by dlemstra
Can you test if disabling OpenCL resolves your issue?

Re: Resize with IM-6.9.2 with HDRI, wrong images

Posted: 2015-09-16T13:06:55-07:00
by lexxai
You are right.

Code: Select all

Version: ImageMagick 6.9.2-0 Q32 x64 2015-09-16 
Features: Cipher DPC HDRI Modules

Code: Select all

Version: ImageMagick 6.9.2-0 Q32 x64 2015-09-16
Features: Cipher DPC HDRI Modules OpenMP
In this configurations (Q32 x64 HDRI, Q32 x64 HDRI OpenMP, Q32 x64 OpenCL OpenMP) all work ok.

Need rename topic. Problem combination HDRI with OpenCL.

Re: Resize with IM-6.9.2 with HDRI, wrong images

Posted: 2015-09-16T13:24:31-07:00
by dlemstra
We are working on a fix for re-sizing with OpenCL and HDRI enabled. I will get back to this topic when we know more.

Re: Resize with IM-6.9.2 with HDRI, wrong images

Posted: 2017-01-18T13:53:09-07:00
by lexxai
tested x64 Q32 IM-7.0.4-4 have still conflict if feature HDRI and OpenCL used both.

magick.exe in.jpg -brightness-contrast +20 res1.jpg