OS: Windows 7 64 bit
Hi all,
This is my first post so please ignore my mistakes.
I need to convert a PSD file to PDF, the PSD is having colorspace cmyk and target pdf should be same. I also need to apply watermark to converted pdf. the code I am using
Code: Select all
"d:\Temp\src\test.psd[0]" -density 300 -profile "C:\ImageMagick\sRGB.icc" -thumbnail 800X800> -gravity Center "d:\Temp\targetWatermarkFile.png" -composite -profile "C:\icc-profiles\adobe\cmyk\USWebCoatedSWOP.icc" -depth 8 "d:\Temp\tgt\test.Pdf"
The problem is that PDF is created but the image slides to Left.
1. If I do not use watermark then it works properly
2. If I convert it to sRGB Profile, It works Properly.
3. If I use resize instead of thumbnail, It works,
I cannot use resize for some reasons. Can anyone help me figuring out "If it works with resize why its not working with thumbnail".