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cannot select 2010 in configure.exe

Posted: 2016-01-19T10:17:27-07:00
by graemeNPS
I have downloaded the source. When I run the configure.exe, there is no option for visual studio 2010. I have a lot of stuff that uses vs2010. Is there any quick way to convert all the projects to vs2010, and, if I do, will the linkage to the installed version (ImageMagick-6.9.3-1-Q16-x86-dll.exe) be OK?
We build the source in Q16, and then run against an installed version's dll.
This all worked with and ImageMagick-6.9.0-7-Q16-x86-dll.exe

Re: cannot select 2010 in configure.exe

Posted: 2016-01-19T10:57:13-07:00
by dlemstra
You should give the tiny scrollbar on the right side in the dropdown a try :)

Re: cannot select 2010 in configure.exe

Posted: 2016-01-19T11:42:15-07:00
by graemeNPS
Thanks. I really did not see the scrollbar. Seems the older I get, the dumber I get. I hope to have a brain cell left in a year or two.


Re: cannot select 2010 in configure.exe

Posted: 2016-01-19T13:53:17-07:00
by dlemstra
No worries, I also had to look for it :)