Convert PDF to .TIF
Posted: 2016-02-08T14:49:45-07:00
I am trying to convert PDF file to .tif format.
Here is my version information:
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.3-3 Q16 x64 2016-02-06
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2015 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Visual C++: 180040629
Features: Cipher DPC Modules OpenMP
Delegates (built-in): bzlib cairo freetype jng jp2 jpeg lcms lqr openexr pangoca
iro png ps rsvg tiff webp xml zlib
here is the error that I am getting when converting 2 page PDF file - just for testing purpose:
my convert command is as follows:
C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.9.3-Q16> convert SNOMED.pdf logo.tif
convert.exe: FailedToExecuteCommand `"gswin32c.exe" -q -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -
dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dMaxBitmap=500000000 -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=2 "-sDEV
ICE=pngalpha" -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 "-r72x72" "-sOutputFile=C
:/Users/VARGHE~1/AppData/Local/Temp/magick-105764Ix1z_T1KeiR%d" "-fC:/Users/VARG
HE~1/AppData/Local/Temp/magick-10576Yy5dBdR9aUEm" "-fC:/Users/VARGHE~1/AppData/L
ocal/Temp/magick-105762iWecZdvJ8s_"' (The system cannot find the file specified.
) @ error/delegate.c/ExternalDelegateCommand/480.
convert.exe: PDFDelegateFailed `The system cannot find the file specified.
' @ error/pdf.c/ReadPDFImage/800.
convert.exe: no images defined `logo.gif' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/
I am trying to convert PDF file to .tif format.
Here is my version information:
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.3-3 Q16 x64 2016-02-06
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2015 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Visual C++: 180040629
Features: Cipher DPC Modules OpenMP
Delegates (built-in): bzlib cairo freetype jng jp2 jpeg lcms lqr openexr pangoca
iro png ps rsvg tiff webp xml zlib
here is the error that I am getting when converting 2 page PDF file - just for testing purpose:
my convert command is as follows:
C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.9.3-Q16> convert SNOMED.pdf logo.tif
convert.exe: FailedToExecuteCommand `"gswin32c.exe" -q -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -
dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dMaxBitmap=500000000 -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=2 "-sDEV
ICE=pngalpha" -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 "-r72x72" "-sOutputFile=C
:/Users/VARGHE~1/AppData/Local/Temp/magick-105764Ix1z_T1KeiR%d" "-fC:/Users/VARG
HE~1/AppData/Local/Temp/magick-10576Yy5dBdR9aUEm" "-fC:/Users/VARGHE~1/AppData/L
ocal/Temp/magick-105762iWecZdvJ8s_"' (The system cannot find the file specified.
) @ error/delegate.c/ExternalDelegateCommand/480.
convert.exe: PDFDelegateFailed `The system cannot find the file specified.
' @ error/pdf.c/ReadPDFImage/800.
convert.exe: no images defined `logo.gif' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/