If I try to print out this schematic on a single piece of paper it is unreadable due to the amount of data that is on the page.
My solution I have attempted is converting the PDF to PNG via:
Code: Select all
convert -density 1500 -quality 100 schematic.pdf schematic.png
My next step to solving this was to use the crop feature:
Code: Select all
convert -crop 25%x25% schematic.png cropped_schematic.png
Now the problem is that when printing the page, data gets trimmed off or scaled probably due to printer settings. Is there a way to tell imagemagick to overlap the cropped images by say 5%? so that it will crop the image in 4 quadrants, but each edge will contain a further X% of the next quadrant touching each edge?
This would solve my problem because then I can simply line up the images easier via overlapping the paper before lamination so that no data is lost due to scaling that can happen while printing. Any data that would be cropped or loss would be within that X% margin that is added to each 25% quadrant.
I hope this makes sense.
Thanks for any help.