In order to do that I'm using -remap with the 64 colors palette that is provided from the pebble documentation:
Code: Select all
convert -dither FloydSteinberg -remap palette.gif png8:out.png
The processed one looks like this
But when I try displaying this image on the pebble, it ends up like this (ignore borders):
If I instead use GIMP to reduce the colors, the image looks the same, but works correctly on the pebble.
I tried using the identify command on both images and this was the result:
Working image:
Broken image:
The only difference I could find was the color palette, which was padded to 256 colors with black in the working image.
I also noticed that I get the same broken image with gimp, if I tell it to remove unused colors from the image palette.
Is there any way to achieve the same result with imagemagick as I did with gimp?
I'm using ImageMagick version 6.8.9-9