Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
I was using ImageMagick version 6.7.3 for quite a long time. Recently thought to use the latest version. However, the image conversion is not so good with the recent version. I am trying to convert the EMF format file to JPG format.
EMF is a Microsoft format. The default result from the conversion done by ImageMagick v6.9.2-5 (EDIT and v7.0.1-0) is identical to the result from Microsoft Paint.
The image is vector, so if you want more legibility from the IM conversion, precede it with "-density 300" or other number.
EDIT to add: The image is solid colours, so PNG is a better format that JPG because it doesn't change the colours, and the file is much smaller.
There is no advantage in converting to PNG, then from PNG to something else. I suggest you convert directly to your final format.
If you have less than 256 colours, GIF will give you an exactly correct result. JPG won't. The default JPG from this image is 5 times larger than the GIF.