Windows IM - where is convert?
Posted: 2016-05-29T04:20:36-07:00
Installing into Win 7 64 bit VM has me stumped. Normally I am a linux user but the PCLOS repo version of IM is ancient.
ImageMagick-7.0.1-6-Q16-x64-dll.exe file size 23.8M
Where is convert.exe / mogrify.exe ...etc?
Can someone please tell me which directory the installer puts these files? or what is used in their place? Even monitoring an installation fails to show their location (if they exist)
No such problem with the portable version file size 79.2M
At least I know the files are there.
ImageMagick-7.0.1-6-Q16-x64-dll.exe file size 23.8M
Where is convert.exe / mogrify.exe ...etc?
Can someone please tell me which directory the installer puts these files? or what is used in their place? Even monitoring an installation fails to show their location (if they exist)
No such problem with the portable version file size 79.2M
At least I know the files are there.