Attempting to convert image on a shared drive
Posted: 2016-07-07T09:39:01-07:00
I am trying to use this line of code to convert an image using a .bat file. I put it in a locally shared hard drive and wish for everyone to be able to use it WITHOUT making everyone download image-magick. So I pasted the image-magick file into the S:\ and it still only works for me since I have it downloaded. I was wondering if I can call the convert.exe method in the image-magick folder in order to make it so that everyone can convert an image without downloading imagemagick.
convert "%1" -thumbnail 610x -unsharp 1.5x1.2+1.0+0.10 "%~p1resizedxLarge_%~n1.jpg"
^This code above only works IF image-magick is installed on my pc.
ALSO: Different people have a different folder hierarhcy. I tried
but this error came up:
convert: RegistryKeyLookupFailed 'CoderModulesPath'
@error.module.c/GetMagick... etc
set ..\ImageMagick\=%%MAGICK_CODER_MODULE_PATH%%;
convert "%1" -thumbnail 610x -unsharp 1.5x1.2+1.0+0.10 "%~p1resizedxLarge_%~n1.jpg"
but still doesn't work for those who don't have ImageMagick installed even though it's on the shared drive.
Thanks, in advance
UPDATE: I installed the portable version of Image Magick into the shared drive. Sadly, no results.
convert "%1" -thumbnail 610x -unsharp 1.5x1.2+1.0+0.10 "%~p1resizedxLarge_%~n1.jpg"
^This code above only works IF image-magick is installed on my pc.
ALSO: Different people have a different folder hierarhcy. I tried
but this error came up:
convert: RegistryKeyLookupFailed 'CoderModulesPath'
@error.module.c/GetMagick... etc
set ..\ImageMagick\=%%MAGICK_CODER_MODULE_PATH%%;
convert "%1" -thumbnail 610x -unsharp 1.5x1.2+1.0+0.10 "%~p1resizedxLarge_%~n1.jpg"
but still doesn't work for those who don't have ImageMagick installed even though it's on the shared drive.
Thanks, in advance
UPDATE: I installed the portable version of Image Magick into the shared drive. Sadly, no results.