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Can Imagemagick create a "paper globe"?

Posted: 2016-07-11T23:40:42-07:00
by jumpjack
Would it be possible to instruct Imagemagick to build one of these projections starting from an equirectangular one?


I tested several programs, but I could only find programs that just create standard "lobes", with no "pole discs" for easy alignment.
Using a "flower petal" projection would make building a globe much easier.
Alternatively, adding "pole discs" would make alignment much easier.

Re: Can Imagemagick create a "paper globe"?

Posted: 2016-07-12T05:30:52-07:00
by snibgo
Yes, it would be possible.

Most map projections can be converted into each other with a bit of maths. The hard part is working out the maths.

Re: Can Imagemagick create a "paper globe"?

Posted: 2016-07-12T09:28:21-07:00
by jumpjack
"Excuseme, do you know what time is it?"
"Yes, I know".

Re: Can Imagemagick create a "paper globe"?

Posted: 2016-07-12T10:26:51-07:00
by snibgo
Yes, I'm afraid that's the answer. IM doesn't have projections built-in. Would it be possible to instruct IM to do them? Yes.