[SOLVED] Bad text watermarking with IM7
Posted: 2016-08-06T08:49:24-07:00
I've being using text watermark with IM for quite some time following the website example and it always worked very well. But recently IM7 changed the text watermarking behavior by creating a bad effect. Now it is producing a non desirable background in the watermark like this:
Commands used:
The result is the same when switching to a classic IM6-compatible command style:
This undesired result is due to the command:
(or in classic IM6-compatible command style due to the command:)
This is being caused by the following git commit: 6156c31f93eed74b7441d509d97ce257d231c02d.
After reverting this git commit the result comes back to the expected one, which should be:
Using imagemagick git master version in Arch Linux x86_64.
Any help or comments would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Commands used:
Code: Select all
magick -size 130x50 xc:grey10 -font Arial -pointsize 25 -gravity center \
-draw "fill gray50 text 0,0 'watermark'" \
magick -size 130x50 xc:black -font Arial -pointsize 25 -gravity center \
-draw "fill white text 1,1 'watermark' \
text 0,0 'watermark' \
fill black text -1,-1 'watermark'" \
-alpha Off tmpfile-mask.png
magick tmpfile-fgnd.png tmpfile-mask.png -compose copy-opacity -composite watermark.png
magick mogrify -trim +repage watermark.png
magick background.png watermark.png -compose dissolve -define compose:args=85% -gravity center -geometry +0+0 -composite background-watermarked.png
Code: Select all
convert -size 130x50 xc:grey10 -font Arial -pointsize 25 -gravity center \
-draw "fill gray50 text 0,0 'watermark'" \
convert -size 130x50 xc:black -font Arial -pointsize 25 -gravity center \
-draw "fill white text 1,1 'watermark' \
text 0,0 'watermark' \
fill black text -1,-1 'watermark'" \
+matte tmpfile-mask.png
composite -compose CopyOpacity tmpfile-mask.png tmpfile-fgnd.png watermark.png
mogrify -trim +repage watermark.png
composite -dissolve 85% -gravity center -geometry +0+0 watermark.png background.png background-watermarked.png
Code: Select all
magick tmpfile-fgnd.png tmpfile-mask.png -compose copy-opacity -composite watermark.png
Code: Select all
composite -compose CopyOpacity tmpfile-mask.png tmpfile-fgnd.png watermark.png
After reverting this git commit the result comes back to the expected one, which should be:
Using imagemagick git master version in Arch Linux x86_64.
Any help or comments would be appreciated.
Thank you.