Position asset in chain.
Posted: 2016-09-15T17:51:20-07:00
My Version: ImageMagick 6.9.1-10 Q16 x86_64 2015-07-26
Platform: Mac OSX El Capitan 10.11.6
Having trouble finding a way that would reposition layer 0 via -geometry -repage before placing it on underlay...
How can I keep this as one command to position the edits made to artwork.png and resize and position before merging down?
Platform: Mac OSX El Capitan 10.11.6
Having trouble finding a way that would reposition layer 0 via -geometry -repage before placing it on underlay...
How can I keep this as one command to position the edits made to artwork.png and resize and position before merging down?
Code: Select all
convert \
\( artwork.png -gravity center -extent 2000x2000 -fuzz 9% -transparent white \) \
alpha.png -gravity center -alpha On -compose copy_opacity -composite \
-fuzz 9% -transparent white -thumbnail 1900x1900 -repage -400+0 -compose DstOver \
underlay.png altered.png