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make labels on sequence of images [WIN][CMD]

Posted: 2016-10-12T01:48:45-07:00
by karlw
Hello. I try to make top label on couple images sequences.
I wtote script to do this.

Code: Select all

magick "TempSeq/*.png" -background Green ^
	-font Ariel -fill Black -pointsize 24 ^
	label:"My Label" ^
	+swap  -gravity center -append ^
this part simple and go easy. but i stuck with brasket part.
so far i have in output only one useless image.
please halp me with braskets.
ps: i have ImageMagick-7.0.3-Q16

Re: make labels on sequence of images [WIN][CMD]

Posted: 2016-10-12T01:57:26-07:00
by snibgo
That command will read all the png image files, create one label image, swap the position of the label with the final png image, and append all the images vertically in a single image.

Is that what you want it to do?

What is a "brasket"?

Re: make labels on sequence of images [WIN][CMD]

Posted: 2016-10-12T02:14:46-07:00
by karlw
hello. i need take image one by one and append label.
later i will create from sequence of images GIF's.
i no need part
append all the images vertically in a single image.
i want script take one image append my text and put it to another folder.
not append all together. keep them as sequence.
thank you.

ps: Image

Re: make labels on sequence of images [WIN][CMD]

Posted: 2016-10-12T08:30:00-07:00
by GeeMack
karlw wrote:hello. i need take image one by one and append label.
later i will create from sequence of images GIF's. [...] i want script take one image append my text and put it to another folder.
not append all together. keep them as sequence.
It's a little difficult to understand what you're trying to do there, but if all you want is a green strip at the top of the images with the same black text on every image, something like this might be a better approach...

Code: Select all

magick "TempSeq/*.png" -background Green ^
   -gravity north -splice 0x36 ^
   -font Ariel -fill Black -pointsize 24 ^
   -annotate +0+4 "My Label" ^
That uses "-splice" to add a green strip to the top of all your images. Then it uses "-annotate" to write your text on all those green strips. Then it saves them all as individual PNG files.

There are ways to use "-append" to add text to images, but the way you're trying to do it won't really work.

Re: make labels on sequence of images [WIN][CMD]

Posted: 2016-10-13T01:02:25-07:00
by karlw
I'm sorry i not explane myself well. my english pretty bed.
anyway i find soluion. so thank you very much on you replays.