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Delegate for DDS format

Posted: 2016-12-15T19:49:57-07:00
by arvisam
I am using Wand from Python to access ImageMagick functionality. I think I have installed everything correctly, based on the following:

1. command line magick convert <source.DDS> <dest.JPG> works correctly
2. in Wand from Python, I can read JPG files as Image classes

The problem is that Wand does not seem to like DDS as there is no delegate installed for DDS. I get the below:

MissingDelegateError: no decode delegate for this image format `DDS' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/501

I checked magick identify -list configure and it has in DELEGATES:

bzlib freetype jpeg jp2 lcms png tiff x11 xml wmf zlib

Is there a delegate for DDS that I can install?