Difference in text rendering using convert
Posted: 2017-01-11T16:04:18-07:00
Hi all.
I use a simple bash script to resize and add some text + frame to an image.
A few days ago I noticed that when the font color is set to "red", the rendered text is quite blurred.
However when it is "white" then it looks alright.
Here is an example of the output: http://imgur.com/a/mmS0U
And the command to process the image:
And the original image info:
Any ideas how to improve the rendering?
I use a simple bash script to resize and add some text + frame to an image.
A few days ago I noticed that when the font color is set to "red", the rendered text is quite blurred.
However when it is "white" then it looks alright.
Here is an example of the output: http://imgur.com/a/mmS0U
And the command to process the image:
Code: Select all
/usr/bin/convert /data/htdocs/hpsrv/cams/aircam-full.jpg -resize 800x450 -background black -gravity south -splice 0x20 -font /home/manager/fonts/open_sans/OpenSans-Regular.ttf -pointsize 14 -fill $tcolor -annotate +0+2 "A_TEXT" aircam-conv.jpg
Code: Select all
aircam-full.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, aspect ratio, density 1x1, segment length 16, baseline, precision 8, 1280x720, frames 3